Chapter 11: Maiden of Irenwell

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Despite the floran and the giant leaving the room, and therefore allowing more air to breathe, tension still seemed to rise. Blood ran faster down my veins as I watched the two men left in the room assess each other.

Danilo stepped in front of me, shielding me with his body, "Let us make one thing very clear, Rixen, I do not like this one bit."

Rixen let out a smug laugh, "You're not up for some brother-bonding?"

Danilo's fist landed on the table, startling me, "You are not my brother!"

What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

"Oh, but we were raised by the same man." Rixen circled the table with the map. "Doesn't that make us brothers in the most important way possible?"

"You are neither the King's son nor my brother." Danilo gritted his teeth. "And if you screw this up-"

"Careful how you speak in front of the Princess." Rixen snickered. "I'm certain she's not used to such vile words."

"If you screw this up, Rixen," Danilo raised his voice, "I will kill you."

My eyes widened.

"If I screw this up," Rixen turned around, ready to leave the room, "None of you will survive long enough to kill me."

He slammed the door shut, leaving me alone with Danilo and my thoughts. This journey hasn't even started and it has already thoroughly exhausted me.

I should have let Rodrig go in my stead. Perhaps ruling the Kingdom would be easier.


"Come on, your Grace." He interrupted me. "I will escort you to your room."

"Uh," A wrinkle appeared between my brows, possibly making me look more like my brother than I would have wanted, "I heard there's a buffet and I'm starving."

"I will ask a maid to bring some food to your chambers, then." Danilo nodded.

Seeing where this was going, I crossed my hands on my chest, "I want to go to the great hall."

"Princess," Danilo turned to me, "it would be best to get some rest. We must travel by night because we have to reach Woods of Loria during day."

"So?" I asked. "It's possibly the last night we're safe and sound. Do you truly believe I am going to sleep through it? You are mistaken, Sir."

"Irina," Danilo let out a sigh, "you will have to sleep on the ground for the next couple of months. Do you truly want to-"

"Do you ever have any fun?" I interrupted him, causing the crease above his nose to deepen and his piercing eyes narrow.

"Alright, then." He said through his teeth. "Let us join the buffet."

My nervousness grew as we walked across the bridge overlooking the mountains and the skies. Sure, I was in desperate need of some liquor, but I was also in desperate need of some answers.

The man whose thoughts I've been entering for the last couple of months was Rixen and I was about to spend the next few months by his side. I had to find out how much he knew about me.

Did he know about my magic? Or the fact I was looking for the Vanishing Well in the ruins of Orathia? Could he possibly know why we were intruding each other's thoughts?

The mere thought of talking to him alone scared me out of my wits, but I could never explain it to Danilo. I knew in my gut he would never let me be alone with that man.

"Is Rixen our guide?" I asked while we descended to the great hall.

Danilo nodded, "A mage could get us to Orathia, but only Rixen knows the way through the ruins of the abandoned Kingdom."

Six of Ruin (Heirs of Irenwell #1) ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz