Memory Lane

574 18 4

Victoria: mommy/mom

Y/N: ma

**Hazel is aged to 4-5 years old**

"Mommy, how did you and ma meet?" Hazel asked

"What makes you ask ladybug?" Vic asked

"I just wanna hear how you met ma?"

"Well, ladybug wants the story of how we met and we are gonna tell you"

"Along time ago before you were thought about your mommy was about to release an Ep and her team brought me on as the photographer."

"I wanted your ma to be my photographer because I liked how her pictures looked"

"Just between me and you, we both know your mommy had a crush on me" I 'whispered' to Hazel. After I said that Vic caught my eye and we all started laughing.

"Back to the story, by me bringing your ma on as the photographer I could see how she worked in person and I was impressed. I was so impressed that I asked your ma on a date and she said, yes."

"Hold up ma'am why you lying to our daughter like dat?"

"What you mean? How am I lying to her?"

"If I recall I asked you out"

"I don't think you did," Vic says playfully stroking her chin

"Well ladybug this is how it really went"


Being the most sought-after photographer amongst the celebs is at times, mind-blowing. When I walk in a room adolescent me is speechless and giddy, like who would have known I would've meet Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Pharrell, or even Diddy—no I'm not going to list his many names. But the one person adult me is excited to meet is Ms. Victoria Monét.

Now the thing about Victoria is people only know her from being Ariana Grande's friend and that's basically it, but they forget that probably half of the songs they listen to she's probably written on them. Aside from her writing for other people she also has music out that are amazing songs they just don't get played for whatever reason.

The reason I went through telling you guys all of that information was because drum roll please I was selected by Victoria herself to be the Photographer for her Life After Love Ep's.

Yn pov

"What is the main focus for the album cover?"

"So on the album, there are songs like Freak and wish I never met you and for the album I just want it to be like I'm standing in the truth of I wish I never met you" Victoria stated

"So the cover is you standing in your truth and here are the songs why I'm standing in my truth," I said and she nodded her head

"Alright, we'll there's only one thing left to do. Let's get to work."

*skip to the end of the shoot*

"That's a wrap on the Life After love shoot" once I said that everyone clapped and started packing up

"I just wanna thank you for coming again"

"Your very welcome and to be honest I would be lying if I didn't say your my favorite artist right now, so being here I'm trying not to fangirl if you will"

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