Author Note

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I will still continue this story as well as my other one.

I know that I've been MIA for awhile but it's been hard I had writer's block and didn't know what to add to my new chapter but then COVID hit and that made me very depress on top of finding out that I'm a little but I'll get in more details about that later.
  I saw your guys comments on my stories and I love that you guys what me to write more and I will just give me time and you guys will have another chapter of this story. So to start off as to why I haven't been writing COVID and writers block don't mix I thought that since I stayed home doing homeschooling I would have time to write but I didn't and then came bad news I lost my Grandmother, my Cousin, and my Grandfather within a year behind each other this was before COVID hit I was trying to get over their passing but it was hard it's still hard but this year on September the 2 I was woken up to my older sister coming into my room crying. I didn't know why but then she said that my older brother that 24 years old have passed away I was think that he was in Afghanistan because I've been watching the news lately but I remember that he did his years and that confused me.
So I asked her she told me that he shot himself in the head and I didn't know what to make of that because I didn't want to believe that he was really gone you know but he was. You want to know something after my grandfather passed away last year I asked my older brother to promise me something and you want to know what I asked him I asked him to promise me that he won't leave me but it seems that his PTSD got the best of him and he couldn't handle it anymore  I got to see him one last time but going up to his coffin was to much on me and I gave him my grandmother ring so that he can find his way to her in the after life.
  So yea I've been struggling a lot since last year and this year I've graduated highschool class of 2021 and now I'm in college I'm doing online classes for right now but I plan to move to my college called Full Sail University in Orlando Florida but I promise with my whole heart that I'll give you guy's a chapter and still keep writing for you guys it's helps keep my mind off things and it's fun when I'm in that mood if you understand and thank you guys for being their for me and reading my books it makes me happy that other people love my books thank you......😊😊😊😊😊

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