The New Guy

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*Next day, Friday.*

*RINGGG* The alarm clock went on again. Just like yesterday I'd put the clock too far away from my bed. I had to get up. I was so tired, I could hardly keep my eyes open. At least it was Friday, Fridays are always a bit different from the other days in the week. Me and Scott are always hanging out on Fridays. But today he had to help his mom at the hospital and I..I had a "date night" with Lydia. I'm always excited to meet her, but today I just felt like not going.

I got up from bed and checked my phone. Nothing. Not even a massage.

I got dressed, brushed my teeth and walked down to my car. And then I saw her. Lydia, leaning against my jeep.

"Hey handsome" she said.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Oh you know, just waiting for my boyfriend to drive me to school." She smiled.

"Did you really walk all the way here from your house to just get a ride with me? You know it's farther from your house to me than to school."

The smile Lydia had on her face a second ago changed to a confusing look.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to meet you. I missed you. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just call me next time. Okay?" I don't know why I acted like I did. I sounded like a real jerk, Jackson.

"Yeah okay." She said quietly.

We claimed into the car and started to drive. The car drive was silent. She was just looking out thru the window and didn't say anything. Her hand was resting on her naked leg. I took her hand and stroked it gently.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like a jerk. I just had a bad morning, that's all."

She looked at me.

"It's okay" she smiled again.

"Everyone has bad mornings sometimes. And I know how I can make you feel better."

She leaned forward and kissed my cheek. Her breaths were deep. she gently kissed my neck while she stroked my thigh. I didn't feel anything, I always got some kind of feeling when she did something like that but not this time. I was focusing on the road.

"Lydia stop."

"What's wrong now?" She raised her voice.

"I'm driving."

She didn't say anything. She threw herself back in the car seat and took a deep sigh.

"You're still coming by tonight, right?" She looked at me. I could hear on her voice that she was annoyed.

"Yeah of course." I said and drove into the school parking lot.

Lydia walked another way, she starts with chemistry this morning and I'm starting with math. I walked over to the lookers and took out my math stuff. Then I saw Scott going down the hallway.

"Hey Scott!" I shouted and ran down to him.

"Hey, what's up?" He said

"Nothing. Actually, I think I just had a fight with Lydia."

"What? You two? You and Lydia are fighting? The lovebirds are having a fight? He laughed

"Shut up." I said while I gave him a little punch on his arm"

He smiled

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I mean nothing is really wrong. She's just so...clingy. She walked all the way from her house to mine this morning just to get a ride with me. And then she almost raped me."

"Raped you?!" Scott was laughing.

"You know what I mean" I said.

"I don't know man, she's your girlfriend. Girlfriends are clingy. She's just really in to you. You're a lucky dude you know."

"Yeah I know, but I-"

*RINGGG* the bell signaled that the fist class was going to start.

"Come on Stiles, stop being so silly and except that your girlfriend loves you." Scott said.

He was right, I mean, Lydia do loves me. She says it almost everyday. But what if I don't love her anymore? That feeling I has do be something with Lydia. Maybe we need a break? I can't believe I just thought that. I've been fighting since the third grade to even get a look from her and now when She's all mine..why would I give that up? I stopped thinking about it and went to class.

"Hello everyone!" Mr.Jensen said.

"So everyone remember that we have a math test on Monday! And I'm not going to lie to you, it is a big test."

The whole class made a big sigh. Everyone started to talk about how they were going to fail and was just sitting there. Thinking about Lydia and about that strange feeling I had.

"Be quiet!" Mr.Jensen raised his voice.
"I'm sure you all will do great!"

Suddenly the door to the classroom opened and a dark haired boy came in.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Mr.Jensen said.

"I'm looking for Mr.Jensen's class."

"Well you've come right.."

"I'm the new student." He said with a strong and dark voice.

"The new student." I thought. Nobody said something about a new student.

"Oh, I see. Derek Hale I suppose?" Mr.Jensen said.

"Yes sir."

"I thought that you weren't going to start in our class until next week?"

"Yeah, they called me and said that I could start today."

"Well then, grab a seat Derek. And welcome to the class." Mr.Jensen said with a big smile on his face.

The whole class looked at our new classmate. He was quite long, had dark short hair and a black skin-jacket. I bet he was one year older than us. The girls stared at him, with opened mouths. Some of them even whispered things like "he's really hot" and "I wonder if he's single." I couldn't blame them, he wasn't bad looking.

He took the seat next to me. He took up a notebook from his bag but he was looking for something more. It looked like he couldn't find whatever he was searching for.

"Great" he whispered.

He looked at me. I don't really know why but I got nervous.

"Hey, do you have a pen?" He asked.

My hands got all sweaty, what the hell was wrong with me?

"Yeah, here you go" I said. I tried to act cool, but in fact I wasn't. My heart was pounding like crazy.

"Thanks!" He smiled and looked back at the board again.

I smiled back. Perfect, I got so nervous so I gave him my pen. My only pen. Now I was the one without something to write with.

*RINGGG* the bell signaled that the class was over and so was the day.

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