He's a bad boy...

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I woke up by the alarm clock. Finally. Finally Monday. I've never been happy about Monday's before but this day just felt so good. I was going to see Derek all day. One thing that I don't look forward to is meeting Lydia. I haven't talked to her since Friday night when it all happened. She's been texting me all weekend, saying that I should call her immediately but I haven't had the guts to do it. I don't want to do it. I don't want to see her all sad and angry. I knew that she wants and explanation but what should I say? That I'm not attracted to her anymore? That I've found someone else? A....a guy? No. No I can't tell her that. She would be devastated. I don't even know if I like guys, I mean yes, I find Derek really attractive and my body gets all week when I see him. But this is the first time something like this has happened. Maybe it's just a one time thing?

"Yeah, just a one time thing." I said to myself.

I got up from bed and walked away to my wardrobe, I opened it and took out a pair of jeans and a white shirt. When my clothes was on I went down to the kitchen, took an apple and glass of juice. I walked around the house and looked for my dad. No one was there.

"Dad?" I shouted

Silence, just silence. I walked to the window and looked outside. Dads car was gone. I bet that he had to work. You see, that's the worst part of having a dad who's the sheriff. He's always working. He's always gone and we are almost never able to just sit down and talk. I used to to that with my mom before she died, we talked about everything...we just sat down and talked for hours, sometimes we took the car and just drove somewhere, when we jumped into the car we never knew where we were going. But we always found the way back home.

I took my car keys and walked out to my car and jumped in. I had Derek's jacket lying on the seat next to me. I was excited, really excited to meet him again. When I arrived I parked my car at the school parking lot and started to walk to class. When I was halfway to class I heard someone screaming.

"Stop! You're killing him!" It was a girl voice.

My heart raised and I walked towards the voices.

"Enough!" The girl screamed.

"Fuck you!" A guy shouted while he was breathing hysterical. I recognized the guy's voice. It sounded exactly like....like Derek.

"Derek?! Derek??" I shouted.

I couldn't see anyone. I just heard the screaming voices. Then I saw three guys coming out form the bushes. They were running. I started to walk slowly forward to the bushes. When I got there i saw a girl sitting next to a bloody guy. The guy was Derek.

"Derek?!" I sat down beside him.

"What the hell happened!?" I asked.

The girl was just looking at me. With a open mouth.

"Who are you?" She asked.

I ignored the girl, and asked again.

"What happened?"

Derek looked at me. His face was all bloody. He smiled.

"Stiles, you got my jacket?" He asked.

Why did he ask after his jacked in this situation? He was bleeding badly and he was asking for his jacket?

"Yeah" I said and gave him his jacket.

"Cora, go home. It's okay. I got this." He said to the girl who was standing beside him. The girl nodded and walked away. Derek took his jacket and started to search through the pockets. He picked up an cigarette and a lighter, put it between his bloody and thick lips and lit it.

I didn't understand anything. I tried to ask again.

"Derek, who was those guys? Why did they do this to you?"

He looked at me.

"That was Jerry and his gang. Eh..I..I did something stupid and I got my punishment." He said.

"What did you do?"

"They just got a lot of booze from Germany and I took it and...then I sold it. And they found out about it." He looked down at the ground.

"Why did you do that?" I asked. I knew that I asked a lot of questions but I just didn't understand.

"I needed the money." He looked at me. His cigarette had fallen to the ground.

I wanted to ask a lot more of questions but I didn't.

"So you're a bad boy? I said.

He laughed.

"Like that's a good thing." He said.

We both laughed.

The smile on his face turned in to a sad looking expression in least than a second. He looked miserable.

I took my hand and wiped away the blood from his lip. He looked at me and faster than a blink he leaned in and kissed me, softly.

I closed my eyes and I kissed him back.

"Ow!" he said.

"Oh, did that hurt?" I asked. I was only a centimeter away from his face.

"Yeah, but it was totally worth it." He smiled and kissed me again.


I walked into the classroom and everyone looked at me.

"Mr.Stilinksi, you're extremely late." Mr.Jensen said.

"Yeah I'm sorry, I had to-"

He interrupted me, "congratulations Stilinksi, you missed the big test and you got yourself a three hours long detention." He said, you could hear on his voice that he was angry.

"But I-" I tried to say something but he only interrupted me again.

"Get to your seat and be quiet."

"Actually I need to go again", I said. "And I need Scott with me"

Mr. Jensen laughed.

"Forget it Stiles. Go to your seat."

Scott raised and walked towards me.

"McCall, get back to your seat!" Mr. Jensen said

"Sorry, I'll be back in a minute." Scott said and walked me out to the hallway.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Is that blood on your shirt?"

"Yeah, look Derek the new guy got in some trouble and I helped him." I said.

"What kind of trouble?" He asked.

"I don't know, some assholes beat him up. Can you cover up for me?"

"Yeah, sure man." Scott said.

"Is Derek okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah he's in my jeep now and waiting for me. I'm gonna take him home and try to help him, okay? But can you say to Mr.Jensen that I had to go?"

"Yeah of course, Stiles." He said.

"Thanks, Scott. I'll see ya" I gave him a clap on his arm an walked away to the car to get Derek home."

"Yeah I'll see you buddy" Scott said back.

When I came back to the jeep i jumped in and drove back home, with Derek Hale.

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