Friday night

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*Later that day*

Right after school I went to bed, I was so tired. Like really, really tired and I would have done anything to get some sleep. But all I could think of was that new guy..Derek. Why did I get so nervous when he talked to me? He's a guy, like me. I wasn't supposed to get nervous over a guy. That feeling I had when I saw him is still there. I can't really describe that feeling..its feels just like when I met Lydia for the first time. It feels like that moment when I knew I loved her. That's exactly what I'm feeling right now.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I said loud for myself.

After about 30 minutes I finally fell asleep.

When I woke up I went down to the kitchen. No one was home, dad was at the police station, like always. I took a paper and a pen and started to write a note:

"Yo dad, I'm not coming home tonight, gonna be at Lydia's house all night so don't sit up and wait. //Stiles"

When I was done with the note I threw of my clothes and jumped into the shower. The water was warm, I felt the heath going thru my body. I still had him in my thoughts, his short black hair and green eyes. He was very good looking. Jesus, I don't really know why I'm thinking about a guy like this. This has never happened before, I've never felt attraction to a male. I mean, I'm not gay. Or? No, no I'm definitely not gay. If I were I would have known that by now.

I put on new fresh clothes and sprayed my body with Lydia's favorite male perfume. I wasn't really up for tonight. I just wanted to stay home, watch some episodes of CSI and then go to bed.

Before I was going to leave I got a massage from Lydia.

"Babe, I can't wait until you come by. I hope you're hungry ;)"

I definitely hope that she means hungry as in hungry for food. I know what Lydia wants, when she says that she just wants to watch a movie or cuddle it always ends up know, sex.


I went to the door and rang the doorbell. It's a big house, really big. It's not that strange tho, Lydia does come from a rich family.

The door opens and Lydia comes out.

"Hi handsome" she smiled.

"Hey. wow, you look...amazing." I didn't know what to say, she looked stunning. I've never seen her like this before. She had a blue dress, her hair was curly and her lips glistened of lip gloss.

She smiled again and a little laugh came out.

"Don't stand our there and freeze, come in! She took my hand, leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek.

"I hope you're hungry! I made lasagna"
She went to the kitchen while I was taking off my shoes.

"Yeah, I'm starving." I said.

I sat down on a chair and waited for Lydia to sit down too.


"You know we got a new classmate today." Lydia said while eating.

"Yeah, I know. I was there" I looked at her and gave her a smile.

She smiled back.

"He seems really nice, the girls likes him" she said and laughed.

"Yeah he probably won't get a free second, the girls will be all after him"

"Yeah, they will be disappointed tho"

"Why?" I asked.

"He's gay." She said and smiled.

My heart stopped.

" do you know?" I asked

"My friend Ally went to the same school as him last year, he came out on his "goodbye" party."

"Wow" I didn't know what to say, I actually got kinda chocked.

"Yeah" Lydia said and we finished our dinner.


"Stiles hurry! The movie starts now!" Lydia shouted to me.

"Yeah I'm coming!" I shouted back.

I went to the couch and sat down next to Lydia. She leaned her head against my shoulder and we started to watch the movie.

when we were about an hour into the movie she began to stroke my leg. She started to kiss my neck. She wanted attention. I looked at and gave her a soft kiss and went back to watch the tv again. She stood up. She took off her bra and sat down to my lap. She started to kiss me and I kissed her back. I didn't feel quite comfortable so I started to think about something else. I thought about him. Derek. Instead of Lydia, Derek was the one who kissed me. My breaths were deep. "Derek" I thought. I felt how Lydia zipped up my pants and then...Then I panicked. I pushed away Lydia and stood up quickly.

"What are you doing!?" She asked.

"I'm sorry, I- I just can't." I said.

Before she could say anything I went to put on my shoes and ran home.

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