A phone number and a bloody fist.

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I opened my eyes slowly, the sun was shining thru the window. My head hurt, it was pounding like crazy, it felt like...like a hungover. I took up my phone and checked my massages.

1 massage from: Scottie
"Hey dude! What's up? My mom's going out 2night, you wanna come over?"

I didn't answer. I scrolled down and saw one more massage.

1 massage from: Lyds
"What is wrong whit you? What the hell was all that about? We need to talk, NOW."

"We need to talk" is a official "It's over" line. She wanted to break up?..of course she wants to break up with me. I've been treating her like shit the past few days.

I've been treating everyone like shit, and I don't even know why.

I got up from my bed and went down the stairs and in to the kitchen. Dad was reading some kind of report while eating his breakfast.

"Good morning" he said and smiled.

"Morning. What are you reading?" I said curious.

"Just an report."

"Just an report? Huh, thanks for the information dad."

"Come on Stiles, you know I can't share my work information with you. I would get fired in a minute." He said, a bit annoyed.

"Yeah whatever." I answered.

I opened the freezer and looked for something to eat.

"Where's the milk?" I asked.

"Oh, in here." He pointed at his stomach and started to laugh.

"Sorry, It wasn't much left so I took it" he said.

Well I can't have a real breakfast without milk, I thought for myself.

"I'll be back" I said and took my jacket and put on my shoes and walked out the door. I jumped into my car and started to drive down to the store.

When I arrived I parked my car and went into the store. I got the milk and was just going to stand in the line but i stopped at a magazine rack.

The title on one of the magazines was "Are you sure about you're sexuality?"
I looked around and took the magazine and started to read it. There was plenty of guys in the magazine, hot guys. Sweaty guys, guys in only their underwear's....just guys. I got kind of nervous. My hands got all sweaty and My heartbeat raised. I looked around again, no one was looking. I opened the jacket and hid the magazine under it. I walked away to the cue and payed the milk and went back to my jeep And drove back home. Right after I came home I hid the magazine under my mattress in my bed.

*Later that day*

I went out of the shower, took a towel and looked into the mirror above the sink. I thought about the magazine I stole. I looked myself right in the eyes.

"You're fucking disgusting." I said out loud. I could feel the heat going thru my body and I could feel the anger raising. I took a deep breath to calm down. But it didn't help, I felt how the anger was raising even more. I lifted my fist smashed the mirror.

"AHH, FUCK!!" I screamed. My fist was bleeding and the mirror shattered.

"Are you okay in there, Stiles? What happened?" Dad was standing outside the door.

I took a few breathes and grabbed the sink with my both hands.

"Yeah...everything's fine, I just slipped." I tried to sound cool but my voice were all shaky.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Dad said.

"Yeah I'm sure, I just wanna be alone for a while..dad"

Everything went silent.

"Okay" he said and I heard the footsteps as he walked away.

I turned on the water and tried to clean my fist. It hurt. The water in the sink turned red. I turned off the water and toweled my hand dry. I sat on the toilet and tried to breath normally.

After 20 minutes I walked out from the bathroom and down to kitchen where dad was sitting.

"I'm just gonna go out and take some fresh air" I said to him while I put on a jacket.

"Stiles" he stopped me.

"You know you can talk to me about everything, right? I'm not your mother but I'm still your dad. You can talk to me."

"Yeah dad, I know that." I gave him a smile.

"Good" he smiled back.

I went out thru the door and walked away to the edge of the house. I sat down on the grass. The jacked smelled like smoke. Then I remembered, I still had Derek's jacket. I went through the pockets and found a cigarette and a lighter. I took the cigarette and placed it between my lips and lit it. It felt really good this time. I checked the other pocket and found a note with a phone number on it.

"Here's my number if you want anything -Derek."

My body got all worm and my face made a big smile.

I stubbed out the cigarette and threw it away. I picked up my phone and started to write a massage.

"Hey, I still got your Jacket. I thought that you maybe wanted it back." /Stiles

I read the massage again and sent it away to Derek. While I waited for a response I had the time to think. I know why I am and why I was angry before. It's because of the guy thing. It's because I get attracted to guys. It's beca- the phone rang and I stopped thinking. I picked up the phone and read the massage from Derek.

"Hey, yeah I really want it back. It's kinda cold without it."

I laughed.

"Don't you have more jackets?" I responded.

"Yes but that's my favorite jacket. It's in leather, it makes me look cool."

I laughed again. It was true tho, he did look cool with that jacket.

"Sure. I'm giving it to you at school tomorrow."

"Yeah thanks. I'll see you tomorrow :)" he responded.

I put down the phone and went into my house again. It wasn't that late but I took off my clothes and went to bed.

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