Cigarette's in the woods

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I was running. Running from Lydia. Running from my girlfriend. My heart was pounding like crazy and I felt tears dripping from my cheek. I've lost it. I've totally lost my ability to think. I don't know what happened, everything happened so fast. I stopped, I fell down to the ground and leaned against a tree.
Something's wrong, yeah something is really wrong. I thought about Lydia. What is she doing now? How did she react? Is she crying? Crying because her stupid boyfriend ran away from her. I looked around, trees, trees everywhere. I couldn't see anything because of the dark and all the rain that poured down.

"Fuck" I whispered.

I closed my eyes for one second and suddenly I fell asleep.


"Hello? Are you awake?"

I felt that someone was kicking on my leg. I opened my eyes but they just closed again.

"Hey, dude. Wake up."

I tried again. I opened my eyes. I was cold, really cold. I looked up and saw hair, quite long, green eyes...Derek. It was Derek, the new guy from class. He had a black sweat suit and a pair of jogging shoes on.

"Are you okay?" He said.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." I said

"Why are you lying here? Have you been here all night?" Derek said with a kind of nervous voice.

"Umm..yeah. I mean almost all night, yeah." I didn't know what to say.

I started to shiver. Derek looked at me, he took off his jogging jacket and sat down next to me.

"Is it okay if I-"

I nodded.

He placed the jacket on me. It was worm. It smelled like a mixture of cologne and smoke.

"Why are you out here?" He said.

"I don't know." I said.

"I had a thing with my girlfriend and I just ran away..I couldn't find the way home because of the dark and then I just felled asleep, I guess."

"Damn." He said.

"Yeah" I looked down on the ground. My heart was pounding. He looked away. He picked up a cigarette package from his pocket and stretched it out to me.

"Helps you calm down" he said.

Smoking, I thought. I've never smoked before. My dad used to smoke right after my mom died, he said that smoking calmed him down from all the panic attacks he got.

I reached out my hand and took a cigarette out of the pack. He took one too. He placed the cigarette between his lips and lit it. I did the same, he reached out the lighter and lit my cigarette. I took a deep inhale and I felt how the smoke was going down my throat. My throat started to itch and I began to cough.

Derek looked at me, he laughed.

After some smokes I started to get used to it. It didn't taste that good but it did calm me down, just like dad and Derek said.

"So, who's your girlfriend?" He said while he had the cigarette between his lips.

"Lydia Martin" I said.

"Oh, the redhead?"

"Yeah, actually it's strawberry blond" that's what she used to say to Jackson when he called her "redhead".

Derek just looked at me, he took another smoke of the cigarette.

"Is it serious between you guys?"

"Yeah. was. To be honest I don't know anymore." I said.


"It doesn't feel like it did before. I'm not...I'm not feeling anything at all anymore." I took a smoke and felt a
rush going through my body.

"Huh, how long have you been together?" He asked.

"Two and a half year, on Monday."

"Wow, that's pretty long, man. Maybe you two need a break?"

"Yeah, I thought about that. I just don't have the guts to say it to her" I looked down at the ground.

"Yeah, I get you it's hard. Love is's like that song by Pat Benatar." He said.

We both screamed out. He looked at me and we burst out in laugh. After a minute of laughing we both looked forward and took a smoke from the cigarettes.

Sorry it's a quite short part but I will write more this weekend! And it will come out at least 5-6 new parts under spring break! Hope you guys likes the story so far!:)

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