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"Ain't it a good morning for you, Justin," Jack said. The glass muffled his voice, but we still heard him. I didn't say anything and sat still on Justin while he passed a smirk to Jack. Jack and Joe left after telling us they were going to the beach and would meet us there.

Both Justin and I changed into our clothes after cleaning ourselves and strolled towards the beach. The beach was close to our cabin, and it did not take us much time to reach there. I saw Joe lying on a mat under an umbrella, but Jack was nowhere. I, with Justin, approached her.

"Where's Jack?" Justin asked Joe. She was wearing a yellow bikini that showed her slim and sexy figure. Her body was similar to mine, except I had more curves.

"He's in the water," Joe replied and pointed towards the sea. Justin told me he was going to join Jack in the water while I stayed with Joe. I laid down on the mat beside her. The sun was high on us and the breeze that touched my skin was warm. We together watched the people in the water playing while relaxing on the mat.

"C'mon you guys, don't be a lazy ass," Jack shouted as came running towards us. I felt his gaze linger over my figure and watched him licking his lips.

"Let's go into the water," Justin came from behind Jack.

"I'm good here," I said while Jack and Joe went into the water. Justin didn't take no for an answer as he stepped beside me and before I knew it, he lifted me bridal style.

"Justin, no..." I warned him but he just laughed and ran to the sea. I screamed for him to stop but all he did was laugh and reaching for the sea, he threw me into the water. The water drenched my body and my hair plastered to my body. I coughed when the water went into my nose and throat. I heard Justin laughing along with Joe and Jack.

"You," I said pointing a finger at Justin and swimming towards him while he swam away, laughing like an idiot. The day passed away on the beach. We all enjoyed sunbathing or swimming in the sea. We also played volleyball with Justin and me on the same team and Joe and Jack on the other. Unfortunately for Justin, Jack won the match. We silently sat at the beach, enjoying the sunset. The sky looked beautiful with different shades of yellow and orange mixed.

"Let's go back to the cabin," I said to Justin. He and Jack were talking about something but they looked at me when they heard me. Joe was already on her feet waiting for us to come along. Justin just shrugged and stood up. He grabbed my hand and we made our way to the cabin with Jack and Joe following us from behind. We went into a restaurant nearby and had dinner together.

After the dinner was over, we all made our way to the cabin. The night was upon us and it was dark when we reached our cabins. We were about to enter our cabin when Jack stopped us.

"Justin, why don't we play something before going to bed?" Jack asked Justin. Justin looked at me and I just shrugged.

"Alright," Justin replied and told them to meet inside our cabin after they change into their night outfits. Jack agreed and walked back to his cabin with Joe. We, too, entered our cabin. I went to the bedroom and changed into Justin's shirt and a pair of shorts. I walked back to the living area and sat down on the couch and sipped a glass of water. Justin came to the couch and sat beside me and lied down with his head on my lap. I smiled at him and ran my fingers into his hair.

"Did you have fun today?" he asked.

"I did," I leaned down and pressed my lips on his. He tugged a few strands of my hair behind my ear and kissed me back. He sat up without breaking our kiss and fisted his hand around my breast. Our tongues clashed together and butterflies erupted into my stomach. My heartbeat accelerated and he ran his hands through my black locks and grabbed my neck from behind and pulled my mouth more into his. I tasted him and he tasted me. My hands instinctively lifted to his chest and around his back and I hugged him closer. I heard him groan which turned me on as I felt wetness on my panty. He grabbed both of my boobs and gently started massaging them. My lungs burned from continuously kissing him and I panted for air but he seemed to be doing fine as he hungrily intruded my mouth. We were so into the kiss that we both jumped when we heard the knock on our door.

Justin released a frustrated breath and stood up from the couch. I ran my hand through my hair to set them down while Justin walked to the door and removed the creases from my shirt that were created from the kissing. I heard the door open and saw Jack and Joe entering.

Later, we removed the furniture to a side and managed to make some space for us to sit in a circle on the floor. Jack had brought with him a few bottles of alcohol and vodka which we were using for our game. Justin and Jack had decided to play truth and dare. The game finally began when Jack spun the bottle. We waited holding our breaths, for the bottle to stop and when it did stop, it pointed to Joe. I clapped and we all fixed our eyes on her.

"Truth," she chose.

"No, that's so boring," Jack commented.

"But it's her choice," I defended Joe.

"So, let's make it more interesting," Justin interrupted us and we all gazed at him.

"There's no choice," he said and when my eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, he continued, "You have to do the dare when bottle points at you," he finished. Jack hooted in agreement while I didn't say anything. Joe looked at me but I could only shrug. The boys were already in agreement and I also liked Justin's suggestion. I passed the beer to everyone while they decided on Joe's dare. I opened the beer bottle and gulped it half.

"Okay, let the first dare be an easy one," I spoke. Joe appreciated it while the boys didn't say anything.

"Okay," Jack agreed.

"Your dare is," Justin voiced and continued, "seduce Jack by dancing on a dirty song, Joe," he stated.

"Yeah, that's a nice one," Jack said and chuckled. I grinned and we waited for Joe to take the stand.

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