"Here's My Number"

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Liz's POV

I loved social studies but especially on Halloween. Because it's when we used the whole hour to learn about the Sanderson sisters. My sister, who is 10 months older than me, loved to talk about them when we were children. That's where my love for them came from. That and how could you not be interested in the Sanderson sisters when you live in Salem. 

I walked into class with my friends taking my original seat in the front row of the classroom. I looked around to admire the Halloween decorations that Miss Olin spent so much time putting up; when I saw someone staring at me. 

It was Max Dennison the new boy who had moved here from Los Angles. I didn't like him much. He seemed like a show-off or a try-hard. He seemed to be putting on an act for everyone at Jacob Bailey High. 

The bell rang and everyone found their way to their seat. Everyone turned their attention to Miss Olin who was wearing a witch outfit. Miss Olin stood up and explained what was going on. She explained that every year on Halloween we go over the tale of the Sanderson sisters. She did this for Max's sake I'm guessing. 

She began to tell the tale of the three sisters who lured a girl into the forest and killed her and turned her brother into a cat. Even though I had heard the story a million times I still got chills when she would talk about the witches sucking the souls out of innocent children. 

"And so, the Sanderson sisters were hanged by the angry Salem townsfolk. Now, there are those who say that on Halloween night a black cat still guards the old Sanderson house, warning off any who might make the witches come back to life!". With a swish of her hand, a loud pop sounded and colorful Halloween streamers shot from her hand startling everyone in the classroom. 

I loved how Miss Olin always added a flare to her teachings. All the teachers and students were passionate about Halloween, and especially the Sanderson tale. That's what I loved about it, everyone from all different groups could find something they all found interesting and could connect somehow. 

My good mood was interrupted by none other than Max Dennison "Gimme a break," he sighed. I turned around to look at him. He was wearing a loud tie-dye shirt with light baggy jeans. His soft brown hair barely fell in front of his face. He was cute, I would like him if it wasn't for his arrogant attitude. 

Miss Olin turned to face him and arched an eyebrow at him. " We seem to have a skeptic in our midst. Mr. Dennison, would you care to share your California; laid-back, tie-dyed point of view?" I snickered at Miss Olin's comment and the class laughed. 

He scoffed " Ok, granted that you guys in Salem are all into these black cats and witches and stuff-" He was getting harder and harder to like. 

"Stuff?" gasped Miss Olin. 

"Fine, but everyone knows that Halloween was invited by the candy companies," he smirked proudly of himself. I was going to shut that down. No one was going to insult my town, my traditions, and get away with it. 

"It just so happens, that Halloween is based on the ancient feast called all hallows eve." I smiled at the boy. I could see that a wave of fear washed over him.  "It's the one night of the year where spirits can walk the earth" I finished. That class erupted in cheers and laughed. 

I smiled at my friends and laughed. Max stood up with a piece of paper in his hand and strutted towards me. The smirk never leaving his face. "Well, if Jimmy Hendricks shows up give me a call" he smiled, handing me the piece of paper. I opened it to see his number written on it. The class chuckled at Max's attempt to impress me.  

It was brave of him to do that. Especially since I had a reputation of turning down boys in the most painful way. It wasn't ever on purpose it just always came out that way. For a minute I thought; I thought about giving Max Dennison a chance. But then I thought about the last time I gave a boy like him a chance and ultimately shut down that idea. 

The bell rang and I packed up my stuff heading out with my friends. On the way to algebra they laughed and joked about Max and how stupid he made himself look in front of the class. I do have to say that his first couple of weeks here was not working out well. I thought that maybe we would get a boy who wasn't like all the rest but looks like I was wrong. They're all the same. 

"Liz your not actually going to give that dork a chance are you?" Amy's words interrupted my thoughts. 

" Of course not. You know what happened last time I gave a boy like Max Dennison a chance" I sighed. She gave me a look and we headed to our math hour. 

* Author's Note* 

Hope you like it so far. 903 words. 


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