"Burning Rain of Death"

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The women walked in admiring their old rotting house. I couldn't believe it; we brought back the Sanderson Sisters. I clung to Allison and she did the same to me. 

I looked up at Max wanting so badly to grab everyone and leave as soon as possible. I wanted to go home with Allison and just go to sleep. Forget about this night and wake up, go to school and pretend this night never happened. But with the Sisters in the middle of the house, it was going to be hard to even get out of here without someone noticing. 

My thoughts were interrupted by the dreaded words that came out of what I think was Mary Sanderson's mouth. 

"Winne, I smell children" she smiled. 

"Sick'em" Winnie ordered happily. 

Mary walked around sniffing the air; the sisters traveled in a group as they searched the house for 'children'. My heart was racing, this couldn't be happening. 

"A little girl, 7 or 8," Mary said describing the child she smelled. I peeked over at Max who had a horrified expression. The sisters got closer to the counter where Dani was hiding. 

"Come, little children, I'll take thee away" Sarah whisper singed; Winnie covered her mouth when she reached the counter. 

"She's here" Mary whispered to her sisters. 

'Oh my gosh, Dani run, hide' my thoughts were loud in my head. 

"Come out child, will not hurt thee" Winnie cooed, "We love children," Mary said with Winnie slamming her hand down on the counter. Dani jumped up making a quick high pitched screaming sound. The sisters looked at her with admiration or hunger. 

"Twas I who brought you back," Dani said in a mature voice. 

"Imagine such a pretty little ... child" Winnie struggled to say the words. 

Mary came around the counter towards Dani, her hands reaching towards her trying to grab her. 

"Look at her. So well-fed isn't she?" she smiled. 

"Plump!" Mary poked Dani causing her to scream and then again she did it. I looked over at Max who was peeking over the bookcase he was now hiding behind.  

"Shis-ka-baby" she laughed at Dani's screaming. 

Dani was now out from behind the counter. Winifred came up behind her spinning her around; taking her by the arm, and leading her over to the chair in the middle of the room. 

"Tell me dumpling what is the year?" Winnie asked.

"1993," Dani said with a hesitant voice. Winnie gasped. Mary was smelling the fabric that hung down from Dani's witch hat. 'Oh gosh we have to do something soon.' i thought worrying about what was going to happen to Dani. 

Winifred pushed back down into the chair, " Sisters we have been gone for 300 years". 

The sisters gathered around Dani, grabbing at her and sniffing her. 

"Well, Winnie how time flies. Huh?" Mary said. 

"When you're dead!" Sarah finished the sentence and the sisters broke out into a horrific cackle. Dani forced a loud and annoying laugh. It got silent and Dani's laughing faded into an awkward chuckle. 

"It's been great fun but I think I should get going," Dani said struggling to get up. 

"Stay for supper," Winnie said pushing her back into the seat. 

"But I'm-i'm not hungry," said Dani. 

"But we are," said Mary with a dangerous smile. 

This time when Dani tried to get up, Mary and Sarah each caught her by an arm and lifted her; kicking and screaming toward the cauldron at the center of the room. 

Max jumped up, "Hey!", he yelled.

"Let go of my sister".

"Get him, Winnie" Mary growled. 

"No," Sarah said coming up behind her sister. She looked longingly at Max, "Let me play with him." she reached her hand out to touch him but Winnie smacked it away. 

I don't know why but I was sorta jealous that this old witch was trying to get to Max.

In an instant, Winne shot green bright lightening at Max. She lifted him from the ground flinging him from one side of the room to the other.   

Dani screamed for Max hoping he wasn't dead. 

"I haven't lost my touch" Winifred let out a cackle and her sisters joined her. 

Mary held onto Dani; watching Max being electrocuted and seeing Dani fighting to get to her brother made me want to help. I started to get up but Allison grabbed onto my sweater. 

"What are you doing?" she whispered. 

"Saving them. Now help me" I said pulling her up with me. 

I ran over and grabbed a frying pan; I smacked Mary over the head rendering her unconscious for the time being. Allison grabbed Dani as I tried to fight off Sarah. Max dropped to the ground. I ran over to him. 

"Max, are you ok?" I asked. 

"I feel like I'm dying" he coughed. When he lifted his head and looked at me he smiled and said, "At least I'm in heaven." I laughed and smacked his arm. 

"Ow," he groaned, "Sorry, sorry," I said helping him up. 

I heard Winifred scream, I looked up to see the black cat digging its claws into her neck. 

I grabbed Max and we ran over to Allison and Dani. 

"Come on Max" Dani cried. 

"You guys go." Max urged. 

"Max we can't leave you here," I said trying to get him to go with us. 

He grabbed my arm in a reassuring way. "Lizzie I'll be fine. I'll meet you guys out there." then he pushed me toward the door. Taking one more look at Max I ran with Allison, and Dani into the woods. 

I didn't know what was going to happen but I was trusting that Max was going to come running after us soon. He would be fine, in one piece and then I could beat the crap out of him for scaring me. 

Before we entered the woods I turned around to see Max standing on the loft holding a lighter up to the sprinklers. 'Smart', I thought. I knew that water wouldn't kill the witches but they didn't know that. I smiled and followed the girls into the woods. We ended up in a Cemetary. Great just where we need to be. In a freaking graveyard. 

*Authors Note* 

I promise this story will be done by Halloween. Just give me time. Word count- 1,126 words. Thank you for reading. Oh my gosh, guys thank you for reading and the book is almost at 300 reads. It's also ranked 15th in Max Dennison. When I started writing this story I didn't think anyone would read it. This is amazing I love you guys. 


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