"With Tights or it's no Deal"

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Liz's POV

The bell rang and everyone flooded out of the school; yelling and throwing papers in the air. I stayed back a while to clean up the classroom. I've always felt bad for the teachers on holidays because everyone would get crazy and never clean up their mess. Leaving something for the teachers or janitors to clean up. Making them stay longer than they need to. I also wanted to avoid Max at all costs. 

I shouldn't be mean but I didn't want him harassing me anymore. After the whole social studies thing everyone's been ragging on me. Some of my boy best friends would come up to me, make a goofy face, and say 'Here's my number" in a stupid voice. 

I finished up cleaning and went on out of the building. I threw on my red coat to keep me warm from the crisp autumn air. Ahead of me, I saw my sister Allison walking in the direction of our house. 

"Allie!" I yelled at her. 

She spun around and smiled at me. She waved at me to tell me to hurry up. I chuckled and started to jog toward her, but was stopped in my tracks at the sound of Max Dennison behind me. 

"Liz, hey can I talk to you?" he asked. 

Was he stalking me? There was no one around except for Allison.  He had to be waiting for me to come out of school. But I ignored all my weird feelings and put on a smile. 

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" I smiled at him.

"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you in front of your friends". 

Yes, yes you did. You don't know how much people have been annoying me about it. This probably won't die down until Christmas break. 

"No" I lied. 

"Oh ok, well I'm still sorry" he looked sincerely apologetic.  I felt bad now.  

"Look I was wondering if you were free tonight then maybe we could.." I cut him off before he could finish. 

"Sorry, Max but I have plans tonight. I'm staying home to help my parents out with a Halloween party. They have one every year. "

I saw a look of defeat wash over him. 

"But maybe some other time", I smiled. 

I was wondering where Allison was; an awkwardness grew between the two of us and I was hoping she would come over and save me. But she never showed up, she was still standing 30 feet away waiting for me to hurry over to her. 

"I've got to go Max. See ya" I waved goodbye and quickly jogged away. 

I reached Allison she looked confused, signaling for me to tell her what that was all about. 

"He was trying to ask me out again. " She laughed. 

"What? What's so funny" I asked. 

"Well," she snickered, "it's just you look like you saw a bunny get run over or something".

"Why is that funny?" I questioned her sanity. 

"I don't know. Well, what did you say?"

"I told him I couldn't because I was helping out with our parent's party tonight" 

"You liar!" she yelled

"Shhhh," I said putting a hand over her mouth. I looked around to see if Max was anywhere in earshot. 

"Plus," I removed my hand, "I'm not a liar. I'm going to help this year." I said straightening out my shirt. 

"Ok," she said rolling her eyes.

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