"You're Thackery Binx"

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Max finally caught up with us and the black cat from earlier was in front of him. I, Dani, and Allison were waiting for Max at the gate of an old Salem graveyard. 

"This is a graveyard," Max said as if confused. Then all of the sudden the black cat spoke. 

"Yes, it's a graveyard. Witches can't step foot here." we girls all looked up at Max are eyes wide as ever. 

Max looked at us and waved his hand, "He talks" he says if it was normal. 

"At least he's not trying to electrocute us." Dani sighed. 

Max nodded his head in agreement. 

"Is this a Halloween thing? Did the Sanderson sisters cast a spell on you?" Allison asked. 

The cat slipped through the gate without answering. 

"Follow me" he called to us. 

I got the gate open and lead everyone into the graveyard. I followed the cat thinking that this was the craziest night of my life so far. 

"I want to show you something," explained the cat, "to better give you an idea of what you're dealing with." 

We threaded through the quiet tree of the graveyard. The tombstones weren't arranged in careful rows, as there were in most graveyards. Instead, they appeared in clusters or alone in unexpected places. Some parts of the graveyard even looked more like a park with benches and fountains and the occasional mausoleum.

We walked for what seemed like forever until we reached a clearing. We stopped at a tombstone near the edge of the woods. 

"William Butcherson?" Max read from behind me. 

"Bill Butcherson was Winne's lover," said the Cat, "but she found him sporting with her sister Sarah. So she poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle so he couldn't tell her secrets even in death." 

I looked over at Dani and Allison who were making a discussed look. 

"Winifred was always the jealous type." 

I looked at the cat. I thought I knew who he was. 

"You're Thackery Binx" I smiled down at the cat. Max looked at me confused then down to the cat questioning. 


"So the legends are true?" Allison said reading my mind. 

He paused, as if unsure how to answer. "Well follow me," he finally said leading us deeper into the graveyard. "I want to show you something else. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Binx lead us to a gravestone whose inscription was nearly invisible in the low light of the moon. Max knelt to get a better look, running the tips of his fingers over the letters and numbers time had worn down. The gravestone marked the burial of a beloved daughter and sister who died on October 31, 1693. Emily Binx. 

"Because of me, my sister's life was stolen," Binx said looking at the grave. 

I felt bad for Binx. He had to live all these years blaming his self for his sister's death. But I knew how he felt. 

" For years, I waited for my life to end so I could be reunited with my family, but Winifred's curse kept me alive. Then one day, I figured out what to do with my life; I'd failed Emily but I wouldn't fail again. When the three sisters returned, I'd be there to stop them. So for three centuries, I guarded their house on All Hallow's night when I knew some airhead virgin might light that candle." 

We all looked over to max. "Nice going airhead," Dani said. 

"Hey, look, I'm sorry, okay," Max said getting up from the position he was in on the ground. 

I got up as well walking away from the group. I wandered off to a grave. It was much newer with fresh flowers on the grave. It read, 'Beloved Daughter, Friend, and sister. November 2nd, 1990. Olivia Watts.' my little sister's grave. 

She had only died three years ago. She was only twelve at the time, she was two years younger than me and Allison. She would be 15 right now if she was still alive. It was my fault she died. I knew that everyone in this stupid town knew that. 

I felt someone come up behind me. 

"Hey," Max said, I turned around to face him. 

"Hi," I said quietly. 

"What happened to her?" he asked. 

"She drowned," I said looking back at her grave. 

"I'm sorry," He put a hand on my shoulder to comfort me. 

"It was my fault." I felt the burn of tears sting my eyes. 

"How could it be your fault," he said kinda in disbelief. 

"We were out messing around by the river down at our grandparent's house. We got into some argument; she pushed me and I pushed her back. I guess I pushed her a little too hard and she tripped back into the river. She couldn't swim and I couldn't either. There was no way for me to help her. She was halfway down the river by the time I realized what had happened. I had to just sit there and watch my sister drown in front of me." the tears were streaming down my face. 

But they were silent tears. By now I was used to hiding my emotions and making sure no one noticed my feelings. 

Somehow max noticed them. He hugged me, I didn't fight him his touch was comforting. After a while, I gathered myself and we headed back to the others. 

The sound of cackling broke the air and we all looked. The three Sanderson sisters governed above us. each perched on a wood-handled broom.

"It's just a bunch of hocus pocus!" Winifred quipped. 

"Sarah, Mary," she said, gesturing at her sisters. They were off on their brooms in either direction. Sarah went straight for Max.

"Brave little virgin who lit the candle," she cooed, "I'll be thy friend." 

I don't know what it was but I didn't like the way she was always flirting with Max. I grabbed the nearest branch and swung at her. She cried out in pain when the branches scratched at her skin.

Winifred smiled at her book, still on the ground where Max left it. "Book!" she called to it. The thing lifted from the ground and began to float towards her. "Come to mommy!" she cried. 

Binx leaped on top of it, and both he and the book dropped back to the ground.

" Afraid not" he called up to the red-headed witch.  

"Thackery Binx thou mangy feline," Winnie said sounding impressed, "Still alive?" she laughed. 

"And waiting for you," said Binx. 

"Ah! Thou hast waited in vain. And thou will fail to save thy friends, just as thou failed to save thy sister!" she pointed the of her broom at him and dove. 

"Grab the book!" Binx shouted. 

I went and grabbed it, and we bolted away from Winnie. We ran for the protection of the trees, but mary cut us off. Grinning as she dove after us. We dodged her and she sailed past, but no doubt circling back to us. 

Max pulled Dani close to him, sheltering her with one arm. 

"They can't touch us here, right?" I asked Binx. 

"Well, they can't." 

Dani looked at him, "I don't like the way you said that" she whined. 

*Authors Note* 

Word Count- 1,310 words

Thank you for reading. More Liz and Max moments coming soon.Also sorry for making Liz have such a depressing history I just thought that this would add more to her. Comment what Max and Liz's couple's names would be. 

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