"You're a Dennison now"

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Allison came up with the idea to lure the witches to the high school. Allison took art and remembered that they were in the middle of doing clay sculptures. Meaning the kiln was available for our use. The walk to the high school was very awkward, not because I and Max had just kissed two minutes ago. Because I didn't know where we now stood. He was being distant and wouldn't look me in the eye anymore.

So I finally pulled him aside while the others walked toward the school. "Hey Max, is everything ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean as good as everything can be right now." he smiled.

"I mean, between us. I mean .." I didn't get to finish my sentence before he cut me off.

"Liz you know I like you. It's pretty obvious." He chuckled.

"But, I know that we could never be together. You're perfect and smart and really pretty. I'm just me. You deserve better." He sighed.

I didn't know where this was coming from. I wasn't any of those things that he just said. I was average looking, I was decent in school, and I was far from perfect. How could Max think I was too good for him? If anything he was too good for me. He was the sweetest, funniest, handsome boy I'd ever met, and he thought I was too good for him.

Without thinking I reached up and grabbed his face, slowly I brought his face down to mine and placed a kiss on his lips. When I let go he pulled me back for another. I didn't know when I became so bold but I guess Max just brought out the best in me.

"Max you are more than enough for me. You're perfect." I said once we pulled away from each other. He gave me a sweet smile and kissed me again.

"Once this is all over. I'm taking you on a real date." He laughed.

"Is that a promise?" I asked.

"Oh, it's a promise." He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers then we caught up with the others.

We lured the sister into the highschool. I waited behind the art room door along with Allison as we watched them walk into the kiln. Who knew that a French speaking tape would lure a bunch of witches? Once they were in there we slammed the heavy door shut and turned on the kiln.

We watched as the sisters started to panic, but before we could see anything to gruesome we got out of there. We met up with Max, Dani, and Binx outside of the highschool. We celebrated finally getting rid out the sister.

"We did it!" Dani squealed.

Max wrapped me in a hug and kissed the top of my head. I felt at peace knowing that everything was gonna be alright now.

We all started to walk away from the school, Max turned around and faced Binx, who was sitting on a tree branch.

"Binx, where are you going, buddy? You're a Dennison now." He smiled.

"Come on, Binx. Let's go home." Dani called.

"Home," he sighed contently.

We all walked back to Max's house, Dani immediately ran up to Max's room and flounced on the bed. Binx jumped up beside her and Allison carefully sat next to them. Me and Max sat on the steps across from the bed, we stayed as close as possible to one another. I watched with a smile on my face as Dani pet Binx.

Max got up and went to get a small dish of milk. He laid it down by his bed then came and sat back with me. Dani talked to Binx about all the wonderful things they would do together. How her kids and their kids would watch over Binx for centuries.

My eyes started to grow heavy and my breathing evened out. I rested my head on Max's shoulder and snuggled closer to him. He rested his head on mine and wrapped his arm around me. Everything felt right, and normal. Like this was how things should have been. Then I fell asleep.

*Author's Note*

Sorry guys that I haven't updated. I've been very sick lately or busy with school. I apologize, but I would also like to thank you for 10k reads. Thank you all so much for the love you have shown my story. I promise you I will try to update as soon as possible. Love you ❤️.

Word count- 753 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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I Put A Spell On You - MAX DENNISONWhere stories live. Discover now