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Kang Yohan switched off the monitor and leaned back on his  chair. He rubbed his forehead in frustration.He had seen everything through Elijah's screen.

He was worried to see Lawyer Ko and Gaon at Gaon's house during office hour.It wasn't like Gaon to skip work. Yohan had quickly  called Lawyer Ko  to ask what was wrong .

When he heard that  the VP  had mentioned Minister Cha, and Gaon's panic attack after their visit , he took a deep breath.

He remembered that night so clearly. The two of them rushed into Minister Cha's office after the gunshot and they found Minister Cha motionless in her own blood.He remembered how worried he was for Gaon , specially Gaon .He knew that Gaon was shocked, but he was the first one that went to the body searching  her clothes. Yohan thinks that Gaon didn't actually know what he was doing, he just reacted. Which by itself was disturbing. 

Gaon was someone who feels strongly and care passionately. He's a savior. He was someone who save little girl from deranged bus drivers. And at the same time save the bus driver from a bus explosion.He saves and care plants

He shield Yohan from his office explosion .He tried to save Doh Young Choon wife and  daughter from the house fire even though it was already planned by Yohan. But still he could have just left them to be burned for his revenge.  No ,that was not Kim Gaon, he still wanted to save them.Yohan had given him a chance to kill Doh Young Choon, but Gaon didn't take it.

"He's needed for our plan."Yohan actually felt proud that time.

And Gaon  was so approachingly gentle with Elijah. 

And yet that night , he was a different person, he didn't call for help, nor call out to Minister Cha ,he just check the pulse and assumed that Minister Cha was dead and looked through her coat, a far cry from the old Gaon. The guilt that he felt afterwards and the backlash was understandable. 

Yohan understood why he had to  leave them but he still give the ultimatum because he wanted to believe that Gaon still believe in their cause.One slip up and it would effect the whole plan , they were already so near the end.

Yohan had to admit he's mistake was that he under estimated Sun Ah. In the world of politics anyone can manipulate anyone. Just like how he use her fixation towards him to his own advantage , the other party use it towards theirs. In the end Sun Ah had retaliate againts  him and  it had caused K's life.

It was always the plan from the start that after   everything is finished he would bring Elijah for treatment. What he didn't bargained for was Gaon stepping into their lives and affecting them so much with his food, his smile, his feeble attempt to get Yohan see his way and his warmth.

Therefore, it hurt  Yohan when he saw Gaon retract from the phone.He didn't want  Gaon to be that way. How he was when he was a boy, walking away from other people, secluded. That wasn't Kim Gaon.

Yohan thought that living him behind, he could built a better life.He was the Nation's Hero , the public would be more acceptable to him. But all it did was pulling them further apart.He thought that after all that happen Gaon needed space....But....what he actually needed was help, said Yohan inner self.

Yohan had rallied his team to make sure that Gaon  wasn't  alone when they left and they  had been willingly to do so.

Chief Jo-was willing because his guilt towards Soo Hyun's death

Lawyer Ko - after  Gaon and Han Soo Youn's escape from Dream Village project, he had a new found respect to the young man.

Han Soo Yoon- lets say his picture at her bedside was replaced with Gaon's picture.

He thought that would enough.

He had forgotten that Gaon was different from him. He had grown up with anger and resentment and then revenge.He was never sheltered but Gaon was in one sense, by Soo hyun  and Min Jung leaving him gullible to the real world.But now both of them are gone....And he...Kang Yohan left him there alone.

Yohan  remembered an argument he had with Elijah a few days ago.

" Kim Gaon is not Kang Isaac!" Didn't he himself said to Elijah more than a year ago.

"He is not your father."

Is that why it was easy to live him behind? Sun Ah words echoed in his mind.

" He is your weakness that I planted." Yohan felt his head throbbing and he rubbed his temple.

What did Gaon feel? Did he feel that he was only Isaac replacement and when they had gotten their revenge, they no longer needed him?....

"What have I done?"

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