Shout Out!

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Hey guys! I was sick last week with HFMD... I caught it from the boy behind me.. But anyways, I'm better and well now so lemme get to the point. I will be doing a shout out every chapter if u comment: SHOUT OUT! On the chapter.. So yeah.
Third person's P.O.V

Leo was getting ready with fireworks.

'Seriously?' Reyna facepalmed.

'I want it to look AWESOME!' Leo replied.( My little pony rainbow dash )

'5,4,3,2,1... ACTION!' Reyna cued the start.

'IM A FLAMING HOT BABE NAMED LEO!' Leo screamed as the fireworks lit the sky and he lit himself on fire and jumped into the lake.

'Meh. That was boring.' Percy said, unamused.

'HEY VALENTINE! T,D OR N?' Leo was flung onto the ground by angry neieds( Dk whether I spelled correctly).

'UH..... What could go wrong? Truth.' I said, thinking that since( in the real world, they don't know this guy). ( Hint hint)

'Ok so.... Truth? Who do you like? I mean have a crush on.' Leo had to say the most obvious question. He just had to.

'Since you don't know this guy, I like Jia Kang. I only like him 10% though.... He's very cute too....' Valentine blushed.

'Hmm.... Problems?' Piper asked.

'UH.... Nothing but except... That my Best friend, a guy, has me thinking and suspecting like crazy?' Valentine shrugged.

'OHHH let's hear about my sis's love problems!' Percy grinned, OBVIOUSLY earning a slap to the face by Valentine.

'Well... I was taking to Jelly when-'

'Wait. Your friend is named Jelly?' Leo asked.

'I nicknamed him. His name is Jerry. Anyway, I was messaging him when suddenly, he said 'AN HE! (Classmate,friend) Help moi! I'm in love with her!'

'What's moi?' Percy asked.

Everyone fped. And ignored his question.

'So. That's totally suspicious. Talking to a girl when suddenly U say that. And the personalities also fit. I asked him the personalities of the girl.'

'Hmm.. Totally. I wonder why aren't u my sister.....' Piper said.

'HAH I TOLD U SO!' Chocopie suddenly said. ( chingles2404 )

'Wait. Who's that?' Everyone asked.

'Just my Bfe. Best friend forEVAAAAA!' Valentine replied.

'Kay... Uh... Bye!' And suddenly Chocopie disappeared in a puff of smoke.

'Is she a daughter of Hecate?'Annabeth asked.

'You'll see!' Valentine grinned.
So Ya... I just introduce Jelly to Wattpad though I'm sure he ignored it. I don't like him though I like him as a good friend. Hmm.... Suspicious much?


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