His favorite video game ❤

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His favorite video game is actually a tie between call of duty and assassin's creed. Of course he can't choose one specific game from the series cause he loves them all, but not as much as he loves you.

-Thomas -
His favorite video game is Halo.he can't choose a specific one though cause he likes the series a lot.  Maybe even more than sandwiches and thats saying something.^o^

His favorite game is just dance 4. What? He likes to dance with you but doesn't mind dancing alone.  His favorite song to dance to is umbrella by Rhianna.
It's like midnight right now wow.  I felt motivated all of a sudden and this a result. If you can't tell already I love video games. My favorite is call of duty:black ops. I don't mind playing either one but I think I prefer the first one. The zombies co-op is awesome especially kinder de toten. so question for today shall be.... (drum roll)
Whats your favorite video game???
Goodnight awesome nerds
Love ya

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