Bucket list

141 1 3

Thomas P.O.V

I can't believe she's gone. My beautiful girlfriend just gone. I'll never her eyes light up when she smiles. I'll never get to feel her lips against mine or the way her hand fit perfectly in mine. I'll always remember the way her H/C hair would shine in the sunlight. Most of all I'll never get to tell her how much I love her. I play with the ring in my pocket. The ring that was supposed to go to her. The ring that was going to be the start of our forever. That forever was broken by a single accident. Who knew that one person can take away so much from others. She shouldn't have been driving home that night by herself. Heck, she should've been with me that day. If only I had picked up the phone before she left work . Maybe I could've stopped her from going back home and go to the restaurant instead. I hang my head in shame and try to remember the happier times to keep my tears at bay. It's not working very well though. A few tears still find their way out of my eyes and create their own path down my cheeks. I watch, numb, as the doctors take her away from me and through the double doors. Today will be the day that my heart was shattered into a million pieces with just those two simple words, "I'm sorry". I can hear her family and parents sobbing not even a few chairs away. I have to remind myself that I'm not the only hurting. As I look up my eyes are met with a pair of E/C just like hers. I have to force myself to offer my condolences to her parents. You can see so much of her in them. They gave her their traits and she made them hers. I walk out of that sterile room and leave them behind. When I'm outside I run. I have no idea where I'm going but at the moment that doesn't matter. The only thing on my mind is her. The way she would look at me like I was her her world. I know she was mine. It's as if someone or something has removed the color from my life. Everything I see is dull and lifeless. I catch a cab back to our apartment. I can barely manage to walk into our home. Pictures of her adorn the walls. My heart feels numb and empty as I wonder the hallway to our room. My eyes focus on nothing in particular until I see that picture of us at the beach a few years ago. It was the beginning of our relationship and we decided to go to Santa Monica Pier. We spent the day swimming and having a blast. Later on in the evening we decided to play games in the arcade and ride a few of the rides. The very last one we went on was the ferris wheel. I remember she snuggled into my side and demanded I keep her warm. The ocean seemed endless. It was terrifying yet beautiful just for that. We finally made it to the top when she said those three words for the first time, "I love you". I smiled and leaned down until our lips met. I'll never forget how windblown her hair was or how she thought she looked horrible. That's what made her her. I shook my head as the memory faded and reality came crashing back in. Finally, I broke down and cried the tears I had been trying to hold in. My body shook with the sobs that I had been denying myself while I tried to hold everything together and be strong. Not too long later I forced myself to at least make it to bed even if I couldn't handle her scent still clinging to her pillow. As I tossed and turned I heard the sound of paper crinkling before I drifted off to the land of dreams...

Hey guys I'm finally back! I wasn't planning on taking that long of a break but things kept popping up one after another. Sorry it's sad but my cousin passed away last week and I wanted to do something in memory of her. So I'll do a part two this sometime soon. Hope you guys are doing well.
Love ya,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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