Thomas imagine

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You and your friend Thomas have been friends for as long as he could remember. You guys grew up together. In fact, he was your date to homecoming and you had the biggest crush on him since. It's kind of sad though because he didn't like you in that way or so you thought. He had many girlfriends throughout high school. Every single time though, they cheated on him or they just didn't like him anymore. It was at those times that you came in handy. You always knew what to say and how to cheer him up. It wasn't until your junior year that you realized you had feelings for him. You thought he didn't feel the same way you did considering he was in a relationship. One night you decided to stay home and watch movies on Netflix. This was around Halloween during your senior year. You are mainly watching horror films and it was raining. It is raining so hard the lights went out and left you in a darkness so black it reminded you of tar. The hallway light suddenly flickered into life though as the backup generator that your dad installed as a "just in case" kicked in. In that moment you were glad that it was there. If it wasn't there you'd be alone in the darkness with your thoughts. Thoughts are the most dangerous things in your opinion. They can change someone's views about anything depending know how long you sit and think. You decided to go look for some candles to light up the rest of the house. Your dad only installed the generator for the hall light meaning nothing else was gonna work. As you were digging through the cupboards there was a knock at the door. Your mind suddenly flashed back to some horror movies where the protagonist is home alone in the middle of the storm and there's a murderer that comes aknocking. Despite what you thought you decided to check it out anyways. Your breathing went faster and your heart started pounding the nearer to the door your body got. As you peeped through the peep hole your (e/c) eyes landed on Thomas. You breathed a sigh a of relief and let him in. "Hey y/n could I come in? " he asked. "Sure" you said. "I thought about how scared you must be since the power went out and decided to check on you. Are you alright?" Thomas asked with a caring look in his eye. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Kinda freaked out but fine. Haha. Umm what about your girlfriend? Shouldn't you be with her? " you asked curiously. "Well yeah. I guess I should be if we were still dating. You see I told her that maybe we should see different people and she flipped out on me. Heck she started accusing me of cheating on her. So yeah that's how I came to be here." he said with a nervous chuckle. "oh well then I can make some hot chocolate if you want? You seem pretty cold. Do you want a towel or something to dry off? Your hair is soaked." you asked walking towards the hallway closet to get some towels for him.
Thomas P.O.V
God she's so cute! Should I tell her the real reason I broke up with that girl? (y/n) might get mad. Or she'll feel worse. I don't know what to do. Her (h/c) hair looks amazing when she walks. She's amazing....
I was thinking this as (y/n) walked away.  Suddenly she turned around and asked if I wanted a towel or something.
"what? Oh yeah sure thanks y/n." I said as i took the towel she was handing me. " You can go ahead and sit down somewhere I'll be right back with the hot cocoa! " (y/n) said while walking to the kitchen. What should I do?! I want her to know I like her but she might not return those feelings. Maybe she'll friendzone me. Then again....nope I HAVE to tell her. I can't go through life with this as my biggest regret. Not telling my best friend that I like no love her.  She's everything I could ever ask for! She's beautiful and smart and kind and her laugh is so freaking adorable.  I was thinking this as I was drying my hair as best as I could. Thankfully I wore my raincoat or else my clothes would be soaking wet too. That might've been embarrassing. "Here's your cocoa, Thomas. " she said as she handed me a blue mug. Y/n makes really good cocoa.  "Thanks " I said as i took the mug from her. We both sat in silence for a while just enjoying each other's company. I finally decided to break it by telling her how I feel... 
Your P.O.V
"Y/n I like you more than a friend. You've been there for me through thick and thin. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember. And I can't believe I'm going to admit this but I love you.  I'm not sure if you feel the same. If you don't I really really hope that we can stay the way we are. I can't imagine myself going through life without you by my side, whether it's as my best friend or as my girlfriend and hopefully someday my wife. So I guess what I'm trying to say is would you y/n l/n, one of the biggest, cutest, most amazing girls in the world be my girlfriend? " Thomas finished what he had to say.  I sat there not sure of what to do. I like him possibly even love him. Should I accept? "OK Thomas. I'll be your girlfriend. I love you too and I think somewhere deep inside I always have. " He leaned in and kissed me. We spent the rest of the night sitting on the couch and cuddling. And I gotta say it's one of my favorite memories...

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