preference: favorite book

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Thomas loves any goosebumps book. Even if they are written for younger people he still loves them. They bring back some really good memories. One of which was how the two of you met which was actually in fourth grade. You picked up the book he wanted so he went to ask if he could it once you we're done. Oh course you said yes. Eventually you guys became best friends. Thomas never regretted asking about that book because even if he didn't know it he had met his one true love that day. He adores you and loves when you guys read your favorite series together!


Newt loves Edgar Allan Poe. The way Poe writes his horror stories really intrigues him. His favorite is hard to choose. He really loves the Pit and the Pendulum. The Raven is one of his favorite poems. Newt likes any of Poe's works because it brings back memories. One of his favorite memories was how the two of you met. In a library. Your Love of reading is what brought the two of you together. You guys Love to read any of Poe's works on a cold and stormy night.


Minho loves to read any book by John Steinbeck. He loves how Steinbeck seems to play with the reader's emotions. His favorite novella is "Of Mice and Men". Coincidentally that's how the two of you met. It was stormy outside one day so he decided to go to a nearby Starbucks and read while drinking a vanilla bean frappe. He bumped into you and spilled your coffee. He never regrets offering to buy you a new one because that was the day he met you.


This really sucked! These are Just a few of my favorite books and authors. Magic Tree House is right up there with Goosebumps. Anyways it's really late like 1 am. I couldn't sleep and now I think I have an idea for an imagine. So goodnight peeps and I hope you enjoy! Love ya

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