minho request

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6 months ago....
*Minho pov*
"Minho!! Wake up shank!" I heard a voice yelling. "I said wake up! Can't you hear??" Half awake I replied how I usually would in these situations." I don't wanna" I said. By the accent of the voice I'm guessing it's Newt. "Come on. It's the day we get a new greenie aren't you excited?! " he said. "Not really. Besides I gotta run today." I told him. "Fine but you're still gonna meet the greenie sooner or later." Newt said as he walked out the door. "Yeah yeah" I mumbled as I got up and started to get ready...
Meadow's P. O. V

"what the??" surprisingly my voice was the only one I heard. "where am I?" As I took in my surroundings I realized that I was in a metal box. That box just so happened to be moving upwards. I heard a low growling noise and decided to check it out. Once I started to get up however the box jerked throwing me back down. It stopped moving and something starting to open above me; it looked like a set of metal doors? As they opened wider the light came in and I heard voices. They sounded male with one or two females thrown in there. Still dazed from falling I sat there until a guy with brown hair jumped in. "Hey there! My name's Thomas. I'm pretty sure you wanna get out of here so I can help you. Just do me a favor and don't freak out too much." I looked at him and decided that I would trust him. That and I wanted to get out of this prison of a box. So I gingerly gave him my hand. He took it and as promised helped me out. When we climbed out he introduced me to a few other people. The first thing I noticed though was the walls surrounding a meadow like area and a wooded place in one of the nearby corners. As I stood there gawking a voice interrupted my thoughts. "hello greenie." I turned to look at who was speaking and I came across an Asian looking guy. He looked like he was getting ready to go somewhere. "Greenie? Is that like a code name or something cause as you can see I'm not green." I said. He started to chuckle. "I like you already." After that I found out his name was Minho. We started to hang out and we eventually became the best of friends. Though we were the really odd pair. For one hes loud and can be an idiot at times. Then there's me, I'm quiet until you get me frustrated and I can be an idiot at times but I'm still smart about it. Anyway after close to a year of friendship I started to develop feelings for my best friend.

Hey guys I'm really sorry I haven't updated in so long. This was a request so I tried my best but there's gonna be a part two. There's a lot of stuff going on right now and I haven't been able to focus lately. In other news my birthday is on Saturday! I'll finally be 16. It's kinda crazy tbh. Anyways I'll update again sooner thanks guys.
Love ya

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