Newt Au Imagine

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Y/n P.O.V

Ring-ring Ring-ring
My alarm went off at about six a.m. reluctantly I got out of bed and started to get ready. "Y/n are you awake?!" my mom yelled up the stairs. "Yeah Mom!" I shouted back. Today was the first day of school. Ughhhhh I hate school why do I have to go? I thought as I flopped back down on my bed. I'll be the new student today. My family moved from Seattle to a small town in Arizona of all places. I had to leave my best friends, Minho, Gally, Thomas, and Alexandra. Alexandra liked to be called Alex and she was like my sister. I could tell Alex anything. She was the one person I could trust to keep my secrets. Thomas and Gally were always fighting about something or other. There was this one time when Thomas was barely getting to know everyone in our group; when it came to Gally he froze and couldn't speak for awhile. Eventually Gally got fed up with waiting and decided to give him a nickname. That nickname, it turns out, was what Thomas was called at his old school. He hated it so much that he and Gally fought until it was changed. Now Gally calls him shank. I already miss their pointless bickering. Then there's Minho. He was amazing. I actually kinda had a small crush on him but I never told him. I was afraid that it would ruin our friendship. Why did I have to transfer in the middle of the year? Especially in the middle of freshman year?! The bus usually doesn't come till six thirty but since it was my First day my mom decided to drop me off. The final bell doesn't ring till 7:40. Washington High was the school my parents decided to transfer me to. Looks like I gotta get up and start to get ready...
---------------------time skip :3------------------------------------------------------------

Newt's P.O.V

It's six already? Where did the hours go?! I just wanna sleep. I seriously need to go to bed earlier. Stupid English project kept me up till about two thirty. I gotta finish the rest up in the library today at lunch. Thank God I have lunch before English. "Newtie are you up? " I heard my mom ask. "Yeah mom I am! " I shouted back. Hmmmmm now what should I wear? Eventually I chose my favorite black V-neck, jeans, a gray beanie, and finally my favorite pair of black and white converse. Most people think that I'm emo but I don't really care. I just like dark colors.(story of my life CX)
Anyways I ran downstairs and grabbed some toast to eat on my way to school. "Bye Mom. I'll see you later Love you!!" I yelled as I walked out the door. "Bye Newt, Love you too!" I heard her reply. Great physics is first hour today. Looks like I gotta suffer through it ( ̄. ̄)
------------------------another time skip-------------------------------------------

Y/n P.O.V

"Okay Mrs. Carol thanks for showing me around"i said with a smile to the office secretary. She's a really sweet lady for showing me around. My Mom made sure I got here early to find where my classes are and get a feel of the school. "No problem Ms. Y/l/N. It really was nothing and I hope you'll have a great time here. Now if you don't mind I have to go back to answering phones." she smiled and waved as she walked back to the office. Great now I'm on my own till the bell rings. Might as well try to make friends like I promised my mom. As soon as I turned around I bumped into somebody. We both fell and my papers went flying everywhere. "Oi watch where you're going next time." the person said irritably. Just my luck it had to be a guy from the sound of it. "Sorry. It's only my first day and I didn't see you behind me. Might I add that you should probably slow down and watch where you're going?!" I yelled back. He was quiet for a little bit while we both sat there stunned. Suddenly he spoke, "You're right. I'm sorry and I probably should watch where I'm going. But since Im here do you want me to show you to your first class?" he asked me. "Sure. I think I need to pick up my stuff first though." I said slightly laughing. While we picked up everything he decided to go through my schedule and for some odd reason started to smile. "Hey you have physics first hour with the Spazz." he noticed the confusion on my face and decided to elaborate more. "That's what we call our teacher. His real name is Mr. Sapio. He's really energetic. I think you'll like him. You know I never caught your name. Would you mind telling me what it is?" the boy asked. "Its y/n. What's yours?" I asked. "Mine's Newt. Are you ready to go to class? The bell is gonna ring soon." the boy- Newt said. " Sure. We better get going." and just like that we walked to class together.
Hey guys ive been really busy lately so I haven't been updating. This was supposed to go a different way but I changed it. I feel like the end was really crappy. Anyways hope everyone is doing good and thanks for reading.
Love ya ❤

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