(1) Why I Hate You

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I first started hating James Sirius Potter one fateful potions lesson in first year. I still remember it to this day - I have only failed one class assignment in my whole entire life and that was in potions with Mr James Sirius Potter. It was my first ever day of classes, and little old Adira was excited as can be to try and make her first potion (I'm a muggleborn after all so the thought of all that magic was truly amazing) and what does he go and do, well he thought it'd be simply hilarious to try and experiment with the potion, thus making it blow up in my face.

I like to think I'm a pretty forgiving person. I mean I would have actually forgiven him after a bit if he'd actually said sorry and after the great explosion of September 2nd 2015 it wasn't just prank after prank after prank all aimed at me, no one else - no that'd be too kind for his royal pain in my arse Potter.

And he has such a huge ego, it makes him simply unbearable. I mean come on we get it already, your family are all super famous wizards, saved the entire wizarding world blah blah blah, but he's done shit all and acts like he's the hero.

And now, worse of all, I have to be fucking head girl with him! I mean come on I work hard for six bloody years - get good grades, become prefect etc. and he just cruises into the position like it's so bloody easy.

Urggghhhh! I can't stand him! James Sirius Potter. What an obnoxious arsehole!



Adira Rose. Urghhhhhhhh Adira, even her name is vile, guess it matches her personality.

If you haven't guessed by now, I don't like her, hate her, loathe her, want to kick her off the face of this earth and send her back to whatever smartass planet she came from.

You may be wondering, James why do you hate her so much? Well the answer to that is easy. You see little old first year James used to have a little crush on Adira (and when I say little I mean it. It was minuscule, barely even there, almost like a speck of dust. I mean why would I even like a person like her, a.k.a. Voldemort's child/possible reincarnation). Anyway, one day little James asked Adira out, and you know what she did? She laughed. Laughed! She just stood there, laughed in my face, and then walked off. God I was so humiliated! And thus ended my crush and started my hatred. Cause what demon laughs in a persons face like that? A simple no would have sufficed.

And I'm not going to lie, it did bruise my ego a little bit. I mean all the ladies love me, and can you blame them? I'm James Sirius Potter - who is not only a super prankster and super cool but is also super handsome.

Good news though, I'm head boy! Excruciatingly bad news, Adira is head girl and now we have to share our own private dorm. I mean sure we get our own separate rooms, but knowing her door is right opposite mine, uhhhhhh it's just simply too horrible to be true.

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