Bucky Barnes || My ex's best friend 1(prologue)

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I heard the door open then slam shut, objects clattered, and I realised Steve has thrown his shield on the freshly waxed floors.

-I've told you not to throw that damn shield on the floor, it leaves a mark every time...-I snapped as he came into view. Throwing his dirty, bloodstained suit in the middle of the living room. He has been very moody for a few months now and I was getting very suspicious.

-Wash that.-he said blankly and walked into the bathroom. We had an amazing relationship at the start, he was the most wonderful man anyone could be with. Steve always paid attention to me and my feelings no matter how tired he was from work. I cared for him, stitched him and picked him up every single time it needed to be done. And now here I am being a maid to a moody teenager. I was now absolutely sick of it but I did make a promise to stick by him no matter how hard it got and after all I do love him no matter what. I looked at my ring and went to wash his suit in silence.

By the time I packed his clothes and equipment away from the door he had finished showering. He just walked past me with a huff and grabbed a beer from the fridge. I sat on the stool and watched him, waiting for him to say anything at this point.

-You're staring. -he said with his back turned, his shoulders were tense and his voice was irritated.

-Are you okay? How did the mission go?

-Does it look like it went well and I'm okay? Sharon got hurt

-It always comes back to Sharon with you doesn't it?-I whispered and hopped off the stool walking away.

-What is that supposed to mean, huh?-He came after me in a huff.

-You know damn well what it means Steve. Lately you care about her more than your damn wife.

-That's just not true!

-Yes, it is! I don't know what you two are doing but you've been so rude and distant with me that it couldn't be more obvious. I know you're cheating on me.

-Then why are you still here? If you are so sure of that.-he snapped looking into my eyes. He meant it.

-Yeah you're right.- I responded and went our shared bedroom to pack up. I shoved a few clothes into my backpack when he appeared in the doorway.

-Hey, I'm sorry love. You know I didn't mean that. Don't leave.-he pleaded with puppy eyes. I ignored him and he gently grabbed my arm to stop me from packing, then I looked at him and yanked my arm away.

-Don't touch me, you should've thought of that before you snapped at me. I am leaving, after all it is what you want.-I responded with tears in my eyes, but I wasn't going let him see that. I zipped up the bag and walked to the door, Steve closely trailing behind.

-Oh one more thing, you can keep this.-I looked at him and slammed my wedding ring to his chest.

-Is this really what you want?-he asked staring at my ring in his sweaty palms.

-No it's not.-I responded and placed a gentle kiss on his flushed cheek. He held my waist, trying to pull me into a hug but I pulled away with a sad smile.

-Bye Steve. -I whispered and walked out the door slamming it behind me. I leaned against the cold wall of the buildings hallway, breathing shallow finally let go of the few tears I was holding in. My feet felt heavy, I couldn't move. As I took the first and hardest step of my life, my mind went blank, and my feet then began to carry me. I was walking away from him, something I promised to never do, and I didn't even know where I was going. Before we started dating, I told him that I will never be a second choice and that I am not a consolation prize. If he wanted me, he should want me for me. What if he wasnt cheating? I just walked out on my husband and turned my life upside down because I SUSPECTED he was cheating, absolutely no proof and never even listened to a word he had to say.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I realized that I walked all the way to Bucky's place. I turned to walk away when I noticed no lights were on. It was quite late after all and considering he doesn't get much sleep I didn't want to wake him. I ran down the stairs as the rain began to pour, pulling my hood up. I looked at the wet concrete as I walked away from my second and last safe place. Now I really didn't know what to do. Then all of a sudden my small frame collided with a strong, muscular one. I looked up and was met with Buckys confused eyes. My body relaxed and I pulled my hood off.

-Y/n! What are you doing here? It's late.-Bucky said worried, pulling me with him. We became very good friends before I got together with Steve, he was truly like family. I shared everything with him

-I don't know what time it is. I left my phone at ho at Steve's.-I said quietly while he unlocked the door.

-Come on.-he said shaking his head as we walked in to his living room. I took my wet shoes off and followed him to the kitchen.

-Now talk to me Doll.

His eyes were gentle and worried as he studied my face intently.

-I left him Buck. I think he..is cheating on me with her.

His face changed immediately to a stern and cold impression. It honestly worried me, he was Steve's best friend too after all. I couldn't expect him to be on my side. I stood up quickly, looking away from him and rushed to the door.

-You don't get to leave me too, yknow that right?-he laughed and stopped me.

-You were his friend first.-I said leaning against the wall behind me

-That doesn't mean I'm not on your side. He's been treating you like shit lately.

-How do you know that?

-Please, I'm not stupid. The last time I was there he acted like you were some maid. That's not the Steve I'm friends with.

I stayed silent as the words left his lips. I slid down the wall and pulled my knees to my heavy chest. He sat beside me and pulled me in for a hug. I turned to him and buried my face in his chest. He rubbed my back.

-Stay here for a few days, I'll get the rest of your stuff tomorrow and you can talk to him about it when youre ready.-he whispered and ran his fingers through my wet hair. We spent the night talking and eating ice cream. I haven't felt this good in a long long time.

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