Bucky Barnes||Target Practice

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It was finally time for me to join the Avengers to replace my dad who has finally decided to retire. Admittedly I was better than him he would never tell me that, you know pride and all. I was very excited to work at last. Both dad and Laura were against the idea but they know they could never hold me down. I always got what I wanted, one way or another. I was quite a difficult child to raise, my mom died when I was born and I was very rude when he started seeing Laura but eventually grew close to her. Dad started training me to keep me away from boys initially, which unfortunately worked perfectly for him. I realised my destiny the first time I held the small bow and arrow that was made especially for me, it was an exact replica of his. I was fast and efficient, nothing ever took my focus from the task I was completing.

Besides the archery as soon as Nat heard that I was going to join she started to train me in hands on combat, as it's often necessary when youre fighting with aliens. Of course dad didnt want me to move to the compound but Tony insisted. Besides Aunty Nat told me about all the hot hot men. I've already met a few of them like Thor, Tony and Capsicle. Nat told me a lot about Bruce especially. She didn't admit it but I know they're a thing, she's very obvious. Nat also told me a lot about Bucky when he first joined them. But from what I know hes very quiet and keeps to himself. I was really intrigued by him and wanted to get to know him more but obviously dad already hated the idea.

-What are you thinking about hun?-dad asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

-Just a bit nervous I guess. I don't know a lot of people there.

-Well, Nat is always there to help you out and she promised me not to let any of the guys near you.-he chuckled lightly.

-Oh come on. I'm 21. And how is it fair that youre okay with me being an Avenger but not having sex??-I laughed in response, reasoning with him.

-Its actually very fair if you think about it.-he said with a cocky smile.

-Whatever old man.

It was hard to believe that he's retiring but Laura is carrying twins and I get why he needs to be at home with her and the kids. I'll miss them all like hell but I promised to visit as much as I can. After a while we arrived at the compound and I saw Nat run to the door to meet us in the garage. I jumped out of the car to hug Nat as soon as we were parked, leaving dad with all of my luggage and weapons.

-Hey you!-Nat said embracing me in a tight hug.

-Little help here!!-Dad called out from the trunk in a strained voice. We laughed and rushed to help him. After we carried everything into the hallway dad said his goodbyes and drove home for dinner.

-Where is everyone?

-Steve and Barnes are training and the rest are on a mission for 2 more days. Speaking of which. You're sharing the floor with them. I tried to get you the room beside mine in the next floor but Wanda has it.-She explained,

-That's fine with me. You dont need to watch me 24/7. I'm a big girl now.-I laughed. By the time we moved my stuff into the gigantic room Steve and Bucky were done with training. Nat showed me around and we eventually got to the kitchen and living room where the two men were relaxing.

-Hey Y/n! Nat told me you're joining us today.-Steve smiled brightly as we came into view and hugged me.

-Yeah, it took a bit of convincing but dad let me move in too. As long as Nat kept you guys away from me.-I laughed in response, he laughed at my fathers words.

-Oh this is Bucky, I dont think you've met him before.

-Hi I'm Y/n Barton.-I smiled at him. He was extremely attractive. Just like Nat described only more muscular and longer hair. He smiled back and turned his gaze back to the tv. I kept my eyes on him and studied his face.

-You're staring-Natasha whispered in my ear and I turned to her, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She walked over to Steve and whispered something to him which made him leave. I looked at her questioningly when she began to walk away too.

-We're going to the supermarket. Be back in an hour.-She said with a wink and walked off. I rubbed my arm uncomfortably sitting on a barstool.

-So uh are you replacing your father?-Bucky broke the excruciating silence, turning to face me.

-Yeah. He wants to stay home with Laura and the twins.-I responded with a smile. He nodded and kept his gaze on me for a while.

-Take a picture, it'll last longer.- I laughed and winked at him.

-Maybe I will, Doll.-he smirks.

-I was told you're shy-I trailed off topic.

-Oh yeah? Who told you that?


-Well she doesn't know me too well then does she?

-Apparently not. But she was right about one thing.-I smiled at him with a cheeky grin.

-Which is?-He asked, curiously following me with his eyes as I hopped off the chair. I smiled and walked away, leaving him hanging. The smile stayed on my face as I reached my room. I still had a long time until Nat would be back so I decided to go training for a bit. Tony told me they set up a few targets for me to practice on, some high tech deal apparently. Which is an improvement from hay bales if you ask me. I changed into my catsuit, it was very similar to Natasha's but had some blue in it too. I liked to train in it to get used to it, not the most comfortable attire I grabbed the remote that Tony left me, along with my arrow and bow and headed down to train. The gym was much fancier than the shed dad set up for me. I looked around in awe of the huge room. I looked around then set my stuff down a bench and turned on some music. I pressed 1 on the remote and targets with Caps head started popping up, I laughed and started to shoot. I was absolutely crushing it. Then when I got to the 3rd round I felt eyes on my back and I smiled to myself. I took some shots at the target then quickly turned around and shot a simple arrow at Bucky who was standing behind me. He caught it, then after the initial shock a smile crept up his face.

-So you're trying to kill me now, Doll?-he said and came closer to me with the arrow in his hand.

-If I wanted to, you'd be dead.-I smiled and walked up to him, taking the arrow. We were just inches apart and I could feel his breath on my lips as he looked down on me. I looked up at him and his eyes were flicking between my lips and eyes.

-Oh really?-he whispered and touched my cheek with his right arm.

-Y/N WE'RE BACK-I heard Nat shouting from the top of the stairs.

-You sure know how to ruin a moment Romanoff.-I groaned and walked away from Bucky who just stood in the same spot with a smirk, my arrow still in his hand.

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