I'm not afraid || Bucky

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Y/n's hands shook as she dialed her uncle's phone number. She hasn't talked to him in years, they broke contact after she moved away with her boyfriend.
-Stark.-his voice boomed through the phone.
-Tony...It's Y/n. I really need help.
-What's wrong? Are you okay?-his voice was laced with concern.
-He hit me....he tried to hit Max and....and I stopped him and he came at me, I didn't have time to defend myself. He broke my arm and a few ribs. Tony he's coming back and he'll kill us....-She cried into the phone holding her 4 year old son close to her.
-Hold up honey, who's Max? And where are you?
-He...He's my son. I'll send you the coordinates.
-That fucking bastard, I'll be there in a bit.

Tony clenched his fist as he hung up the phone, rage was practically pouring out of him.
-Hey you alright?-Nat asked looking at him.
-Adam hurt Y/n....
-What how? She's a trained assassin.-Nat looked at him in shock.
-She was protecting her son...she has a son I didn't know about and they're in danger and she has broken bones.-he babbled and raced to the jet. Nat closely trailing behind him.
-I can't believe she's a mother.-Nat said quietly as they flew to Y/n's location.
-Me neither.-he responded with a small smile playing on his lips at the thought. Then they noticed a small wooden house on a large patch of grassland. They landed the jet and rushed to the house.
-Mommy I'm scared...-the boy cried clinging to his mother who was sitting on the floor.
-It's okay baby...they're here to help us. Dad won't hurt you or me ever again, I promise.-she responded and rubbed the little boys back.
-I dun wanna call him dad.-he looked at his mother. She nodded and smiled at him gently when the door broke open.
-Y/n we're here! Nat is with me!-Tony's voice boomed through the small house.
-In here!-she croaked in response. Max hid behind his mother. He hasn't had much human contact besides his parents.
-I'll pack her and Max's stuff, you get them on the jet.-Tony ordered and Natasha appeared at the door.
-Oh sweetie what did he do to you...Hi there, I'm Natasha but you can call me Nat, I'm a really good friend of your mom's-she said softly.
-I know, mommy talks about you all, a lot of the time. I'm Max. -he said shyly, sticking his head out.
-Let's go with Nat, we can ride on the cool jet.- Y/n said as Max crawled out from behind her. He stood up, grabbing a stuffed dinosaur and waited for his mom. Nat gently lifted her up and snaked her arm around her back to support her.
-Are we going to live with you?-Max asked looking at Nat.
-Yes you are handsome.-she said and winked at him. He giggled, still holding his mom's hand.
-Hey kiddo.-Tony said as they reached the jet.
-Hey you.-Y/n responded and Max hid behind his mom again.
-It's okay baby, he's family.-she whispered to him. He peeked his head out and waved at Tony. Before the jet doors could close Y/n smashed her phone and threw it to the grass.
~Back at the Compound (Y/n's PoV)~
-I'll show you the room. It's not too big but we'll get you guys into a better one soon.-Tony said as we walked in. Thanks to some painkillers and Nat setting my break I was able to carry Max. He was tired and terrified.
-It's okay, he sleeps with me most of the time anyway.-I smiled at the little boy. Tony showed us the room and we spent a few hours unpacking. It was getting late so I gave Max a bath and dressed him into his dinosaur pjs.
-Agent Stark, Mr.Stark would like you to join the team for dinner.-Jarvis boomed through the room and Max giggled in response. I told him everything I remembered about this place and the people on nights when Adam would get drunk and leave us alone. I picked him up again and walked to the kitchen where everyone was gathered. There were a few new faces around.
-This is my niece Y/n and her son Max. They'll be staying with us for the foreseeable future.-Tony smiled and introduced me to the new people around. Max hid his face in my neck.
-Sorry he's a little overwhelmed and very tired.-I laughed and sat beside Steve.
-This is Bucky, my best friend, that's Wanda and that's Sam.-Steve said pointing at everyone I didn't know.
-Sam has a bird costume...-Steve whispered to Max and he laughed in response.
-Hey not cool man!-Sam responded with a chuckle.
-It's nice to meet you finally! Nat talked a lot about you.-Wanda smiled at me.
-Good things I hope?!-I laughed.
-Well let's just say we didn't expect you to be a mom.-Sam smiled at me.
-Yeah, I know. But he's the best thing that happened to me in a long time.-I said and kissed Max's head.
-Hey buddy that's some cool pjs.-Sam said looking at Max who was now facing them.
-Thank you Birdman.-he giggled and Steve gave him a fist bump. I looked at the quiet man beside Steve. Bucky....he had long hair, pulled back into a bun and gorgeous blue eyes. He noticed I was looking at him and we made eye contact for a few seconds, I smiled at him but he looked away. Dinner went wonderfully and I'm so happy to be back with my family. Max was really tired now but he wanted to watch some cartoons so we stayed in the living room even after everyone left. I was laying on my back and he was curled up beside me, fascinated by the large tv.
-You know you can join us Bucky.-I stated quietly. He let out a sigh.
-Sorry, I just....have trouble sleeping.-he responded and turned to leave.
-It's okay, I know what that feels like.-I responded looking at him. He looked back at me with a raised brow. I smiled at him gently and patted the spot next to me on the couch. He sighed and walked over, softly sitting down on the couch.
-I'll get you some popcorn too.-I smiled and stood up.
-Can I touch it?-Max whispered looking at Bucky, who immediately tensed up. I stayed quiet pretending not to hear.
-I....uh...-Bucky started to panic a little.
-It okay... not scared of you Buty.-Max responded, his speech slurring from exhaustion. I smiled and sat on a stool.
-Okay..-Bucky responded and watched as Max ran his small fingers over his metal arm.
-How come you aren't scared? Most people are.-he asked softly as Max traced the golden lines on the arm.
-My dad hurt mommy....he was very mean all the time too. But she always protects me, and if you were mean she wouldn't let me talk to you.-he responded with a big yawn. A tear slid down my face but I quickly wiped it.
-Time for bed pumpkin.-I said softly as I walked back.
-No buts Max, come on.-I said and held my hand out. Bucky looked at me as I tried to pick Max up but my ribs hurt too bad, the meds started to wear off.
-Can....can I help?-Bucky asked gently. Max smiled at him and nodded frantically. I let Bucky pick Max up, who was now absolutely obsessed with his arm. I smiled and walked to our room with Bucky and Max.
-My room, it's opposite of yours if you guys need anything.-Bucky said as he put Max down. I smiled at him.
-Thank you. And sorry about the arm thing, he gets really excited when he sees new things.- I said softly. He just nodded and smiled. I looked back at Max who was curled up in bed.
-We're gonna get some sleep I think. See you around Bucky.-I said and again he nodded and turned to walk away.
-Good night.-he looked back and then walked to his room.
-He's nice, and he could definitely protect us....-Max whispered to me after I got into bed. I chuckled.
-A little too soon to set me up for a date don't you think?
-But he has a metal arm.-Max said with a yawn. I smiled and kissed his head.
-Sleep well buddy. I love you.
-You too Mom. I love you.

And for the first time in years, we both slept through the night without any fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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