The Kids Are Alright (3)

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The Kids Are Alright (3)

Kylie's POV

The clock ticked with each passing moment I watched Dean as he looked over articles on his laptop. Every now and then he would lean forward, his lip peaking out between those perfect lips every time he found something remotely interesting.

"You gonna stare at me all day?" He asked yet his eyes never left the screen.

"Hm?" I asked, blinking away the dryness in my eyes.

He turned his head slightly, his lips tilting up in a small smile. "You've been watching me for the past ten minutes now sweetheart."

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I laughed awkwardly. "What can I say? I'm bored out of my mind."

Dean shut his laptop, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hand. "Yeah, I'm getting a serious headache." He admitted. "Sammy will be here soon, he can do more research." He decided with a grin.

I watched as he moved his arms, stretching them above his head, the black shirt he wore rising to show off the soft flawless belly underneath.

The tip of my tongue came out, tracing my bottom lip as my eyes hungrily watched Dean.

He let out a yawn. "You hungry?"

"Mhm." I hummed as I bit my lower lip.

He stood from his chair, phone in his hand. "Burgers? Chinese?" He asked, his back to me.

I turned in my chair, stripping myself of my shirt quickly. "Dean?"

"Hm?" He turned around, his eyes widening his mouth making a perfect 'O' shape.

I giggled and stood up, backing him up until he was sitting on our bed, his calloused hands sliding up my sides as I straddled him.

"We haven't had alone time in a while." I purred in his ear, gently biting the lobe.

He shivered slightly, his hands grasping at the soft globes of my ass massaging them gently. "God I love being alone with you." He said before giving a soft spank to my left cheek.

I jumped, yelping slightly before a moan escaped my lips. He had never done that before, was never rough. It wasn't that I didn't like it, but I noticed the sting being a little harsher than I was used to.

"Again." I whimpered, my face in the crook of his neck.

I felt the right hand leave my ass before coming down with a harsh force.

"Dean." I whimpered.

"I'm here." He smirked a flirtatious glaze over his green eyes. He reached up, pulling the cups of my bra, letting my breast spill. "Jesus." He groaned and cupped my breasts, teasing the nipples. "Look at you. All this. All mine." He whispered.

I ran my fingers through his hair before stopping to pull at the small hairs on the back of his neck. "All yours. I'm all yours." I leaned down, capturing my lips with his in a passionate kiss.

He was quick to flip us over, my back on the stained blanket on the bed. May not be romantic to some, but to me it didn't matter. I ran my hand under his shirt, helping as he pulled it over his head.

"That's better." I grinned successfully.

"That all you want to see sweetheart?" He taunted, his hands going to the buttons on my jeans.

"Well it is the best part of you." I joked as I ran my hands down his muscular chest.

"The best part of me?" He hummed, an eyebrow raised.

Supernatural Season Three: A Dean Winchester Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now