Sin City (5)

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Sin City (5)

Dean's POV

"You know, you're piling it pretty high there, sweetheart." I shot at the demon across from me. She didn't seem offended or surprised, she just stared at me waiting for me to continue. "I'm not sure I'm buying it."

There were going to be demons in this world, that would never change, but as long as there were hunters, people strong enough to fight against them, there was no way they were going to take over the world. 

It was a dream for demons.

"Why would I lie?" She raised a brow, her true curiosity showing.

"Demons lie." I scoffed.

She mentally weighed the options before nodding. "Some do. Some are true believers."

"Believers in what?" I asked, taken back by her comment.

What did demons have to believe in? They were dead and evil, there was nothing that they strived for other than to make humans miserable.

"What?" She deadpanned. "You think humans have an exclusive on higher power?"

My eyes widened in surprise. "You have a God?"

"Sure." She brought her knees to her chest. "His name's Lucifer."

I rolled my eyes. "You mean the Devil?"

It seemed to be a difficult task trying to irritate the demon in front of me, she stayed calm and collected no matter how much I annoyed her. It was like she was a teacher and I was her young dumb student.

"Your word, not ours." She shrugged. "Lucifer actually means 'light bringer'. Look it up." She smiled, tapping her fingers against her leg. "Once he was the most beautiful of all God's angels, but God demanded that he bow down before Man, and when he refused, God banished him." Her eyes softened for a split second. "Tell me Dean. How do you like bowing before lesser creatures?"

I decided not to answer her question and instead move to a more important subject.

"Lucifer's really real?" I asked, my heart thumping heavily in my chest.

Casey struggled, shifting uncomfortably. "Well, no one's actually seen him, but they say that he made us into what we are, and they say that he'll return."

"Oh yeah?" I questioned comically. "And, uh, you believe that?"

"I got faith." She answered without a beat.

I hummed, trying not to mock her.

"So? You see, is my kind really all that different than yours?" She asked

"Well," I started, glancing out the window briefly to see if help had arrived yet, "Except that, uh," I turned back to her, "demons are evil."

"And humans are such a lovable bunch." She rolled her eyes. "Dick Cheney." 

"He one of yours?" I snorted.

"Not yet." She shrugged. "Let's just say he's got a parking spot reserved for him downstairs."

Something tugged inside of me the more she talked about hell. It was soon to be a home for my soul so I figured I should ask all I could about the place.

"Hey," I started after giving her a chuckle, "speaking of downstairs," I looked down at the dirt making small symbols that I had been taught over the years, unable to look in her eyes. "What's it like down there?"

I felt her gaze studying me. "What? Hell?" 

I cleared my throat before finally looking up at her. "Yeah." I

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