Red Sky at Morning (2)

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Red Sky at Morning (2)

Kylie's POV

After getting the impala back thanks to my . . . assets, we went back to the motel we were occupying, the boys decided it was best to get a good nights rest but there was something stopping me from sleeping.

I tapped my fingers as I stared at Sam's sleeping form, his chest rising and falling with each breath he took in and let out, my head turned to the other bed where Dean slept his body doing the same as he rested peacefully, but there was something majorly different between the two brothers.

I pushed myself onto my elbows to stare at the clock across the room. The red letters were screaming at me that it was too early. I blew out a heavy breath, the curl that laid along my face fanned out with the harsh wind. "I literally can't take this." I whispered to myself.

I slipped from the bed, tiptoeing to my bag that laid in a clump across the room. Searching through various clothes and personal items, I found the journal I had been looking for, the one that held so many memories that had escaped my mind. I opened the flimsy yellowing page to where I left off, the top corner bent as bookmark. I traced my large lettering, smiling when I saw how my writing had changed over the years.

Dear diary,

Today Dean took me to a pool. I had never seen one before, and when Dean had found out he made it a mission to take me. We had to stop at Bobby's house, he was a friend of John's who knew a lot of history and lore about what was really out there. I was reading one of the hunter's many  books when Dean decided he couldn't take the silence any longer. He pulled me out of the cluttered home, and had us walk until we reached a community pool. I was afraid to get in the water, only staring at my reflection as it waved, but Dean offered me his hand. 

He told me it was safe. 

I jumped in and immediately fell under the water. I swear I swallowed the whole pool, but Dean was there. He pulled me from underneath and swam me over to the side. He made sure I was okay, showed me how to breathe again.

I couldn't hold it back any longer and was able to speak my first words today.

I told him thanks.

I blew out a shaky breath, closing the journal, I ran my fingers along the fuzz. My eyes drifted between the two brothers before they landed back to Dean. It was funny how even at all the trauma I went through, even at such a young age, he always knew what to do. He knew how to take care of me not only physically but mentally. 

It was also terrifying how much I leaned on him since the very beginning.

The following day we heard news of another victim who drowned in his bathtub, we made our way to the home as quick as we could, but it seemed that Bela was faster. I guess a witch's broom is faster than a car.

"I am so sorry for your loss, Mr. Warren." Bela said, her voice dropping her usual accent. "Now, if you could just tell me one more time about the ship your brother saw."

I cleared my throat, interrupting the two so we could show our badges. "Ma'am." I raised a threatening brow in her direction. "I think this man's been through quite enough." I tilted my head towards the door. "You should go."

"Bit I just have a few more questions." Bela challenged in return.

"No, you don't." Sam said standing tall behind me, trying to give off macho man vibes. Usually, I would scoff at that sort of thing, but it was what it took to make Bela back down.

The thief shot daggers in our direction with her hazel eyes before turning back to the victim's brother. "Thank you for your time." 

Dean gave a tight smile as Bela brushed by us. "Sorry you had to deal with that." He apologized before his voice boomed. "They're like roaches!"

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