A Very Supernatural Christmas (1)

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A/N: Trying something a little different by adding some of my own stuff in the beginning. I can't promise that I'll always do it, but I was wondering what you all think. Please leave a comment to let me know how I'm doing and what you would like to see. I'm excited to add my own spin to this episode. BTW I totally still have a recording of this episode on VHS. Yeah . . . I'm that old.

Hope you all enjoy!

A Very Supernatural Christmas (1)

Dean's POV

The world around me was spinning. Women looking deliciously stunning at the bar as they ordered their drinks. I could smell their perfume, see the look in their eyes as they looked around the joint wondering who they could take home. If I was in my right mind, I might take the chance, it would be easy enough. Come up behind them, offer to buy them a drink, hit them with a flirtatious line that would make them giggle. It was simple really. Not even much of a game anymore. 

There was one person, one woman, who would make it a game. Who would tell me that I was full of crap. She would take my flirtatious line, maybe even smile a time or two before giving me a flirtatious smile back. She knew how to play me, just like I knew how to play her.

But she wasn't here.

"Dude, are you even listening to me?"

I shot up in my seat, my eyes watching Sammy. He gave me that annoyed bitch-face which I would usually find humorous, but right now I was having a pity party for myself. No one around me knew it, but I was celebrating my life right now. The months were passing by quickly. I didn't even know how many I had left at this point.

"Hm?" I hummed looking at not only one Sam, but now two. Both of them glaring at me like I had killed their puppies.

"Kylie found a case." He said, everything around him a blur.

Of course she did. She was so good at her job.

I shook my head, closing my eyes tight to clear my mind, but I was only left with visions of her. "What is it?"

Sam, looking incredibly annoyed, gripped the bridge of his nose and inhaled deeply. "Well, I'll give you the short version of the last ten minutes that I wasted telling you." He shifted in his seat, taking a moment to scroll up on the article he was reading from his laptop. "A man in Michigan was up late decorating his Christmas tree. His family heard some funny noises and then his scream before disappearing. No one has seen him since." He leaned back in his chair, reaching for his beer to take a long drink. "That was three days ago."

Christmas tree? Was it already so late in December that families were putting up their tree? I wondered what that was like. Sitting around with a normal family watching the lights twinkle on the Christmas tree that they had taken the time to decorate perfectly. Kids waiting excitedly for Santa to leave presents.

In my childhood, I didn't get presents.

That didn't hurt me. I knew I wasn't good enough for Santa to leave presents. Sam and Kylie, however, they deserved everything. Good ole Saint Nick had never showed up, leaving me to do his job. 

"Where is she?" I asked Sam suddenly, pouring more of the pitcher of beer into my cup, filling it up to the rim. "Kylie. Where is she?"

Sam's brows pulled together in confusion. "Dude, she's at the motel. Remember? She had a headache."

She didn't have a headache. 

When her head was hurting bad enough not to come out, she would throw the covers over her head. She liked the darkness around her, said she was so used to it that it didn't bother her anymore. When Sam and I left for the night, she was sitting on the bed, laptop in her lap and every light in the room on. She looked tired, but that was nothing really new for her. These last couple of months have run her down.  have run her down.

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