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ART: Evil.Raccoon_106. (Kind of hate this artist for putting NSFW art of Lumity but i cannot deny that their art is very good.)


Amity was walking to art class with a different hair style today, wondering if Luz would make fun of her since they both had art class before lunch on Tuesdays.

She had her hair up in a ponytail. She decided to have a different hair style because her siblings decided to bully her for her hair apparently being messy all the time.

She thought it looked good though.

While walking to art class she ran into the biggest asshole of the school.

Boscha Langley.
Also her best friend since kindergarten.

"Hey, Bosh. How are you today." Amity asked, calmly. "Ugh, nothing. It's just Mattholomule. He's getting on my nerves. Bro, bro got in detention." Boscha complained.

"You get in detention everyday though?" Amity questioned. "Exactly, i can't let Mattholomule be a troublemaker. I already took that role, Amity!" Boscha explained.

Amity looked at her in disbelief. "That's it, i'm leaving. See you at lunch, Boscha." Amity suddenly said, walking off to her class.

"Bye?" Boscha responded, questioningly.

Amity then arrived to art class,a little bit early but Luz was there. It seemed that the class already got instructions on what to do.

Amity sat down next to Luz, claiming the seat next to her for the rest of the year.

Luz turned her head to the abomination witch and raised her left eyebrow in confusion. "What's.. up with your hair?" Luz asked.

Amity then looked at Luz, "Ed and Em told me my hair style was messy so i changed it." She answered. Luz gritted her teeth a bit.

She was mad. Luz knew she made fun of Amity for her hair style but the truth was she loved her hair. It was nice and she always loved Amity's hair when it was down.

She didn't want her to change for others.

"You dont have to change for Edric and Emira. Your hair is fine just the way it is." Luz said, untying Amity's hair and styling back to the way it was.

"I know, i just- I just want Ed and Em to get along with me more." Amity responded. "I want them to like me."

Luz frowned, "Look, you dont have to change anything about yourself to make them like you. That's what they should do, it's their job to get along with you, they're your siblings."

Amity slowly nodded, "Okay." She shortly answered. Luz grinned, "Let's get painting now, shall we?" Luz asked.

Amity smiled, "Mhm."


"Hey Boscha, Skara." Amity greeted. "Hey asshole." Boscha responded. Skara waved with a grin. "Hello!"

"Any of you seen Luz? She left her glasses at the cafeteria earlier." Amity asked. "Nah, but i've seen your mom." Boscha joked.

Skara looked at her younger sister and ran off.

"Oh- That isn't right." Boscha suddenly spoke, realizing what she just said. "Yeah, i know." Amity responded. "Sorry, Ams." She said.

"It's fine, anyways you should probably find Skar. I need to head to Luz's house to give these back." Amity said, waving Luz's glasses.

Boscha nodded. "See you tomorrow at school, Amity." She waved.

Amity then put her earpods on and connected them to her scroll. She put on Dance, Baby! by Boy Pablo and started to walk away, heading to the multi-track witches house.

She finally arrived at Luz's house and she greeted Hooty but in disgust. She never liked that bird tube.

"Hoot! Amity's here!" Hooty shouted, opening the door.

It revealed Luz playing with King and they were screaming "LuzKing against the world!" As an Amphibia reference.

Amity took her earpods out and smiled. "What childish idiots." She thought.

"Hey Luz." Amity said, out of the blue.

"Weh?!" King shouted. Luz turned to Amity and she flushed red, "What are you doing here, Amity?" Luz questioned.

"Well," She wavered Luz's glasses to show that it was missing. "You left your glasses on the cafeteria table." Amity finished.

"Oh. Thanks cotton." Luz responded. "No problem, just don't forget them again." Amity said. "Will do, candy." Luz winked.

Amity smiled, "I'll see you tomorrow."


Sorry for the short chap, i have no ideas.

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