Chapter 1

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"This is not what I had in mind when I said that we should take shelter, Sky." Rose complained as I led us to the log cabin.

I rolled my eyes, but pull my gun out and got it ready to shoot in case I needed to. Carefully opening the door, I did a quick sweep of the place before finding that it was safe.

"Cassie, bring in some firewood. This is the best place we can get for now. " I reminded Rose, shivering against the chilly air. It was warmer earlier, but with autumn getting closer it's warm in the day time and cold at night. About the time I put my gun away, Cassie came in with her arms full of wood. 

"Is this going to be enough for the night?" She asked. 

I glanced at the four pieces of wood she brought in, then glanced out the back door. Surely there's more back there.

"We should see if there are any heavy jackets. If there isn't then we'll need more wood." I explained, "I wonder what the chances of there being food here are."

"I'll check," Rose immediately volunteered,  as we both we towards the kitchen. Only I went to get more firewood. Just as I knew, there was a lot more.

With me being stronger built than Cassie, I can easily carry about six to seven pieces. I suppose that's what happens when you live on a farm, like I did, though. Heading back in, I noticed that Rose was shuffling through a pantry.

"Got anything?" I called, dropping the food off in the living room, then heading back to the kitchen.

"Believe it or not, someone left a bag." She cheered, "A bag full of canned foods, water bottles, and there's even some food in the pantry."

"What a surprise, considering it's been about a year and a half." Cassie joked, handing each of us a heavy hunting coats, "I think whoever was here decided to up and run."

Living this far out, I wouldn't be surprised. It's pretty secluded out here and I didn't see a radio or a T.V. Chances are that whoever lived here, didn't find out about the zombie virus, until it was to late.

"Oh well." I hummed shrugging my shoulders, "How about we open up a couple cans and eat?"

"How can you even think about food now?" Rose hissed, clearly irritated, which confuses me, "The people who lived here could have been turned and you don't even think twice about eating. Don't you have a heart?"

"That's just it, Rose." I snapped, "We don't know if they turned or not. What we do know is that they don't have this food, we do. If we're going to survive, we have to eat anything we can find. We can't think about the person who had it before us." She looked away, so I knew she didn't really believe me. "Rose, we haven't eaten in several days. If we don't eat then we won't have enough energy to protect ourselves when we need to." 

"Sky is right. We need to eat. It's how we'll survive." Cassie agreed.

Cassie still looked unsure, but opened a can of green beans anyway. I smiled, then went to start the fire. Every occasion, he golden heart will object to eating something that could go to someone else. We've had several of these conversations and each time and and Cassie must tell her that we must eat or kill to survive.

Smiling at the good fire, I had going, I turned to them, to see them put the cans on the fire. They had the cans of green beans and carrots. My nose wrinkled in disgust at seeing the carrots and the smell of them cooking. It's Rose's way of getting back at me for making her eat food we find. She always makes us eat the food that I don't like, if we find them. Glancing out the window I saw that it was already getting dark and the wind was picking up. 

"I'm going to go ahead an close the door." I announced, heading over to the door. Glancing down the path, I saw some kind of light moving. Horrified, I closed the door and turned to the girls.

"Is something wrong?" Cassie demanded, sensing my panic. We've all been friends since we were little, so naturally, reading each others emotions is like reading a child's book to us. We're all practically sisters.

"Someone's coming up the path with a flashlight." I answered, checking to see if my gun was in its holster, before seeing if my machete was on my belt, "Stay here and hide, If anything comes through that door that isn't me, kill it."

With that, I slipped out the back door and moved down the path. Staying hidden in the surrounding forest so whoever it is won't be able to see me to hurt me. Hopefully, I can find out their intensions before they hurt Rose or Cassie.

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