my mother (vent)

16 3 53

MY mother STRANGLED me again

because I started crying-

because I did something wrong- I like, dropped a cup and broke it cuz I was drinking M A L K 

I don't like doing things wrong-

if you didn't already know it makes me feel useless and worthless and everything in between and I wanna cry again cuz she's angry at me and I don't like people being angry at me even if its normal wtf Is going on-

I can't really breathe but that's not the point here my breathing always sucks anyway so just deal with it mE-

I shall now go cry myself to sleep after I litter lay just had a 4 hour nap cuz naps are the best and 


today isn't a very good day

I kinda wanna yeet myself again cuz I keep doing things wrong

there's no rooms for mistakes anymore I swear I'm literally biting myself deeper and deeper nowadays I don't know why and it hurts like-

and the scars get blatanly obvious before they disappear after a few hours like

so I have to hide my hands and stuff and I have to hide it now too but I can't cuz I have to eat and I'm panicking what if they find out I'm practically trying to eat myself alive or something idkkkk help-

but I deserve to hurt for like a few hours anyway sooooo

like I can't keep doing things wrong and I'm so fracking weak too I cnat-

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