Joseph arrested

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😂 who 🤩 are 😒 you 👹 waiting 💩 for 🤑 my 🤠 friends 😨 listen 🙁 we 😟 know 😠 you're 😱 here 😥 to 😇 see 😳 an 😔 11 🤯 year 🥳 old 😴 girl 👧 she 🤓 said 🤓 she 🤓 was 🤓 12 🤓 joseph 🤭 we've 🤥 got 🤗 the 🤨 screenshots 🤪 where 😁 it 😕 shows 🧐 that 🙂 you've 😣 been 🤢 sending 🖕 pictures 📸 of 😟 your 😀 toes 🦶 NOT 👺 AGAIN 👿 joseph 😵 joseph 😦 calm 😑 down 🙄 this 😈 is 🥴 already 😮 being sent 🤤 to 👍 the 😽 police 👮‍♂️

I swear these typa posts appear on my community tab way too often

and now I can't unseen 'plant cum'

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