Little advice for people under 13 <3

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So, I don't recommend being on the internet unless your over 13. Age still doesn't change shit, but its still better being over 13-14 and being on the internet, trust me.. I was introduced to unmonitored internet access since before I was 10, and that really messed me up. I've watched things kids my age SHOULDN't have, and deeply regret it. If I could go back in time, I would force myself to put down the internet, and rather study and have actual fun rather than this..

Believe me when I say this, being on the internet since a young age can traumatise you, I myself am. I was exposed to thing like pˆrn, gør3, and a lot of other messed up stuff before 10, and I am scared of my past self for basically that reason. I may have enjoyed that stuff before, but now that I think about it its kinda traumatised me in a way I'll never understand nor like.

Theres a reason websites have an age restriction, it's for your own protection. So please, you can watch YouTube, you can watch whatever suits you, but don't watch the weird stuff.. trust me it doesn't make you any cooler, it just makes you weirder. 

And young audiences can be influenced quite easily, I myself am a person who's been influenced by all sorts of wrong people very easily, and I don't want people to go through the same. You always have the risk of being gr00med, used, etc. So please, PLEASE just listen to this. You can most certainly use the internet as you please when your a BIT older, but for now I really recommend stepping away. Its never really too late to get yourself away from stuff like this.

And most certainly don't reveal your age like I have done quite a few times <3

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