im c l i n g y

10 3 8


c o n f e s s I o n

I kinda hate being clingy cuz I don't get many friends cuz of it.. ;-;

people hate that thing about me

I'm clingy to the point I won't even leave you in peace while your in the bathroom-

I'll literally, wait right outside the door waiting for you-


I act like a lost puppy who doesn't trust anyone else

never leaving you alone unless I wanna do something else or just want to rest or just be alone for a little-

but you bet I'm going to try to awkwardly hug you at least once in the day

+fear of being alone and +fear of being abandoned play a big part in this behaviour ngl


I can't even sleep alone properly-

I absolutely hate this-

kinda want to cry now ;-;

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