Where's my brother?

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(O!Wilbur's PoV)

I stared at the rather tall blonde boy who broke down crying in confusion.

What the f*ck? I thought.

This is Tommy right? Am I wrong?

He looks taller, older, more bandaged up and wingless.

Also he called me Ghostbur. I get I'm a Phantom but it seems like he feels guilty with the name. Like something bad has happened.

Maybe I remind him of someone with that name?

"Hey uh buddy...are you doing alright?" I asked.

I mentally slapped myself.

Of course he isn't alright! He's crying for Crow Father's sake! Wait that's it! I thought.

I'll go get Phil, he'll know what to do!

"Wait here, I'll go get someone who can help you," I said.

He looked at me, his blue eyes shining with tears.

"I'll be back I promise," I assured him.

I turned invisible and went looking for Phil.

I spotted Niki in her lagoon, just sitting there while talking with some fish.

"Niki!" I popped up next to her, accidentally scaring her.

"Ahh! Oh it's just you Wilbur. Do you need me for anything?" She asked.

"I'm looking for Phil, have you seen him?" I asked.

"Phil? Oh he might be at the Pube. I think he's discussing something with Sneeg," Niki replied.

"Thanks," I said and turned invisible again.

I headed towards the Pube in search of the old man.

I climbed up the ladder and got to the entrance of the Pube.

There, I spotted Phil talking with the Inchling. They were discussing about renovations of other's houses.

"So Tubbo has been talking with me about planting new flowers around in his garden for him. Most of his are drained because of how he eats a lot. Oh and the ceiling in Ranboo's room started to leak so write that down," Sneeg explained, while Phil was writing what he said down in a clipboard.

"Phil!" I popped up next to him.

He jumped and threw the clipboard up in the air.

"Ow!" Jack said as he was wiping the glasses. He got hit in the head via clipboard.

"Sorry mate," Phil muttered. He then turned to look at me.

"Wil, what did I say about appearing randomly? You could give someone a heart attack," he said.

"Well you're old so I'm not surprised that you'll get a heart attack," I explained.

"I'm only 34 Wil! I'm not that old," Phil sighed while Sneeg giggled at our interaction.

"Anyway, what do you need? Did you give Tommy the medicine?" Phil asked.

"Well about that. We have a situation. I think there is an imposter among us," I said.

"Among Us died off months ago, mate," Phil said.

"What I mean by that!" I glared at the man who adopted us. "Is that Tommy...isn't really Tommy. I think he got replaced or something."

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