Life in Boston

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Hi All! I'm starting a new story but will continue updating After She Said 'I Do' until I complete that! This story is going to be changing between Emily and Sue's POV and is set in modern day instead of the 1800s. I wanted to switch things up and make it more modern because I feel like the possibilities with a plot are endless with the change of time and scenery. I hope you guys enjoy this! It will be multi-chapter and rated M for later chapters, of course ;) Please leave a comment with your thoughts—I love reading them and interacting with you guys! Also, thank you so much for all of the love on the other story. I truly appreciate it!

Emily's POV

It was a cold winter morning as I made my way to work—I just scored my first 'big girl' job after college writing and editing for the Boston Globe. I'm sharing an apartment with Lavinia who is in her second year of college at Boston University, so our situation was more than ideal. Like me, she was also pursuing writing and journalism. I found it admirable that she had decided to follow in my footsteps.

I continued to walk while the cold air hit my face with every step I took until I reached my work building. Looking up, I took in all of the building and its beautiful architecture—fully designed with brick and arched glass windows in the front. Compared to other buildings in the city, it wasn't much to look at, but it was my second home now and had been for the past four months.

Opening the front door to the building, I walked in and greeted my co-workers out front before heading to my small office on the third floor where I pretty much remained alone for most of the day—continuously working until it was my time to go home at the end of the day. It's a busy career, especially for a recent college graduate, but I was getting used to it. I entered my office and placed my bag next to my desk before sitting down and starting my day paging through a pile of papers I had to review and edit before noon. It was going to be an incredibly busy morning.

Ever since leaving Amherst four years ago, I only ever go back during the holidays. Boston has really been my home all throughout college and now that my job is based out here, I very rarely ever leave to go visit home—usually my family comes to visit since both Vinnie and I have been residing out here for quite some time now. But as far as old friends from Amherst go—I haven't seen any of them since graduating high school, even when visiting over the holidays. It was okay, though, as I have made a great group of friends in college but there was always one person that's lingered through my mind over these years from home. Her name? Sue Gilbert.

She was my best friend and I'm not quite sure what happened. When we both first started college, we kept in contact but we lost it over the years. She went off to college at NYU while I stayed back in Massachusetts and attended BU like Lavinia. She deleted her social media accounts a couple of years prior, and I haven't found a way to get into contact with her since she definitely changed her number over to a New York number at some point. I haven't heard from her in years, but something in the back of my mind would like to.

It hurt, you know? Suddenly complete radio silence over the past two years and no explanation. She had been my best friend since second grade. Sometimes she was a little more than my best friend—if you know what I mean. Sue was different and that's why we connected so well, as I was always seen as a bit odd. But Sue got me. She understood me as an individual, my personality... my emotions. She was everything. And then I slowly lost her.

I'm numb to it now. At this point I don't know if Sue and I will ever reconnect. I have no way to contact her—I don't know where in New York she's residing, she has no social media left to my knowledge and the number I had for her for years is out of service. Damn, it hurts like hell still. I'd be lying to say if this didn't sting me.

"Good morning, Emily!"

I looked up and came out of my thoughts. A familiar tall blonde stood in front of my desk. "Oh, good morning, Jane." I said with as much excitement as I could manage on an early Monday morning.

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