Mary the Stalker

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Sue's POV

I swear Mary is somehow following Emily and I pretty much anywhere we go. We have been running into her every weekend when we go out and we've been hopping around—not really going to our usual spots and she somehow ends up being there throughout the night as well. Lavinia and Jane have also found it a bit odd and suggested maybe she's somehow tracking Emily. Emily checked her phone settings, and she was no longer sharing her location with Mary, so she was also unsure what was happening. But it was terribly annoying, to be honest.

It was strange, really. She'd be where we are at but only just stare at us from afar. Even Austin and George were starting to get weirded out by the whole situation. They both think she's plotting from afar and she's up to something but none of us knew what. We all know Mary and she knows all of us. The uncomfortableness it was causing in our group was very apparent. We had to figure out a way to rid of her being everywhere we go because it has been this way for weeks and weeks.

Emily blocked her well over a month ago—first her Instagram, then her phone number because she was blowing up her texts, and then on all other social media she could even possibly think of. Emily had to set her socials to private because Mary kept making new accounts to stalk her life pretty much. She couldn't stalk mine because I was already private on my social media because I needed to avoid my ex from contacting me on different random accounts he'd make.

Emily was pretty much going through what I was going through trying to hide and disappear from our exes completely. Though our situations do differ drastically in the way that my relationship was abusive, and Emily's ex just happened to turn into, or always has been, a grade A stalker. We were both stressed about the situation. We were staying in a lot more in more recent weeks and hanging out at my apartment since Mary didn't know where I live, at least we think she doesn't as she had never been there. Any encounter I had with her was at Emily and Vinnie's apartment and when we would go out to bars with friends.

Tonight was another night in at my apartment. Emily had been staying here at least a few days a week—she was practically living with me for the most part. I suggested she just move in, and she said she'd talk to Lavinia and make sure she had a roommate set up before moving in with me. Emily was always a good sister to her.

I was in the kitchen plating up the dinner I had just made for Emily and I—a yummy veggie lasagna with a whole lot of cheese. Emily was sat in the living room sitting on the floor with the coffee table in front of her and her back against the couch. Her knees were up to her chest and she was resting her cheek on her hand as she watched the TV. I could tell she was incredibly stressed, more so than usual, about everything going on right now. It's just become too excessive and Emily told me she feels like she'll never escape her at this point and it really was starting to feel that way.

I brought our plates into the living room and placed them down on the coffee table. I sat on the couch behind Emily, but sat close to her—my leg pressed against her arm.

"Thank you, baby. It smells and looks delicious." She said, looking at me before grabbing the plate and holding it in one of her hands while the other hand had the fork. She took a piece of the lasagna, blew on it to cool it down and then took a bite.

She looked up at me while nodding in approval, "Yep! It is delicious."

I smiled and grabbed my plate so I could take my first bite, "I'm glad you like it."

"I always love your cooking. And now I'm going to get to enjoy it more now that we've been staying in more." She said, putting her plate down with a slight sigh after her sentence. She leaned back against the couch again and let out a breath.

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