Away on Business

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Hey Friends! This chapter is entirely in Emily's POV. Next chapter will go back and forth again between Emily and Sue. I'm also working on a new story so be on the lookout for that in the near future. As always--please let me know what you think! I'm also on twitter now--so if you'd like to be in the loop with updates and other Dickinson content, my twitter handle is thehushwriter (same as my username on here and A03) 

Emily's POV

It's that time of year again where I have to travel for work. I travel anywhere between once to up to five times a year. Right now it's my last evening in Los Angeles before I go back to Boston tomorrow. I've been here an entire week and I've had just about enough. I miss my girl back home—I wish she could have come with me, but she's already arranged to come on my next work trip with me next month so it would have been pushing it to take more time off of work than she actually needed.

As far as our Mary problem—it's been pretty non-existent as of late. Ever since I got my new phone and a new number, it's like Mary has disappeared off the face of this Earth, which kind of makes me wonder if Jane and Vinnie were right about some sort of tracker with my old phone. She hasn't been at our usual bars and she hasn't tried to make anymore fake accounts to get into contact with me. I'd say we have finally gotten rid of her but I didn't want to jinx it since it's only been a few weeks since we've noticed that she hasn't been around. I feel like she's just given up at this point and realizes I'm not leaving Sue for her.

It's always been Sue. Always. I finally have her back and there's no way in hell I'm letting her go again. She is mine and I am hers. I truly don't know how I've survived this past week without her, let alone the past two and a half years. She is my everything and more, honestly. I can't wait to see her tomorrow when she picks me up from the airport.

It was nearly 11 P.M. and I was ready to retire for the evening. I was wrapping up with dinner and drinks with Jane and some of our co-workers. We were all staying in the same hotel, so we just went to the restaurant in house.

"Well," I said, putting my wine glass down as I took the last sip. "It's starting to get late and I have a flight to catch tomorrow morning. I'm going to head back up to my room."

"Oh, come on, Emily! Stay a bit longer!" Jane said—she was half in the bag and didn't have a flight until tomorrow afternoon.

Our co-worker Jeremy nodded, "Yeah! Stay!"

I chuckled and grabbed some cash out of my wallet, sliding it over the check in the center of the table, "That should cover all of it and the tip. I'm tired and I told Sue I would call her after we were done. I'd like to catch her before she falls asleep."

I stood up and pushed in my chair. Jane smiled up at me and so did our co-workers.

"You don't have to pay for us, Emily!" Jane said, trying to give me back the money.

I waved my hand at her, gesturing to her that it's no big deal.

"Enjoy the rest of your night." I said, smiling at them before turning around and heading back upstairs to my room.

It was an all around good time with Jane and my other co-workers but I was happy to be headed back into my hotel room. I was already packed and ready to head out tomorrow morning, so I could actually just chill for a while before I go to bed.

Sue and I have been in regular contact since I've been away, of course. I told her I would give her a call when I returned in for the evening, so I'm doing just that. I finally arrived to my room after taking the elevator up the the 9th floor and swiping my key card to get in. I took my day clothes off as soon as I went into my room and switched into my pajamas; a plain white t-shirt and some shorts—easy enough to throw in my suitcase before I leave in the morning.

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