A Few Days Later

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Emily's POV

"Stupid..." I said, slamming my stack of papers on the desk, "Stupid..." I shuffled the papers on the desk and took out my pen. "STUPID!" I sighed and threw my pen back down on my desk before groaning.

As I let out the groan, Jane walked by my office and I had my door open. She took a step backward so she was visible in my doorframe and looked at me.

"You good, Dickinson?" She asked, stepping into my office.

I sighed again, my body slouching in my desk chair. "Shut the door behind you, please."

Jane grabbed the door and shut it before taking the seat in front of my desk. She had her own stack of papers in her hands so she placed them on the corner of my desk while she sat there.

"Okay—what's going on?" She asked, looking at me with curiosity in her eyes.

"I did something bad, Jane." I said—just coming right out and saying it. I can't hold it in.

Jane adjusted in her seat and rolled it forward to be closer to my desk, "What do you mean you did something bad, Emily? What happened?"

I stayed silent for a moment, contemplating whether or not to say what I was about to say.

"Emily..." She said, raising her eyebrows.

I sighed again, "I—I, uh, cheated on Mary..."

She gasped as her eyes widened, "What!? When!? With who!? Emily!!!!!"

I put my finger up to my mouth and waved my hand at her to shush her—her voice went louder as soon as I told her.

"Shhh!" I said, looking behind her at the door to my office. I looked back at her and sighed once more, "The night we went out for my birthday party. With... Sue."

Jane was silent for a moment, taking in everything I just blurted out and told her. She leaned back in her seat, her body relaxed, "Can't say I'm surprised."

I gasped and felt immediate offense, "What do you mean?"

"Well," She started, crossing her arms as she stayed lean back into the chair, "You never really stopped loving Sue, did you? I mean—there really was never any closure between you two when she became absent. I saw the way you two were with each other—you guys were definitely in love."

I took in Jane's words and thought for a moment, biting my lip as I did so. "There's... there's definitely still some feelings lingering. I wouldn't say I love Sue. Jane—I... I feel so guilty. I want to be with Mary. I told myself I wasn't going to let Sue come back and have this grip on me. She's been out of my life for so long. And now she thinks she can come back in and just have me?"

"Ehh—I think you love her. And honestly, Emily, Sue's been back for a couple of months now—it's not like she just got here. There's been time building up with you two. Clearly you shouldn't be with Mary if you're feeling these feelings toward Sue. Especially since you guys—wait, what happened between you two? When did you guys even have time to...?"

I swallowed hard, thinking about that heated moment with Sue in the bathroom at the bar. Her moaning my name, her holding onto me tight as I pleasured her, getting closer to me because she needed more. Suddenly my whole body got hot just thinking about the whole situation.

"Remember when Sue went to the bathroom? Well—I, uh, followed her in there because I, well, I was jealous because her and George were getting close." I started, sighing before continuing, "We exchanged some words... maybe made out a little bit, or a lot, and I may have, you know..." I said, making the motion with my fingers and Jane reached across and smacked my hand down.

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