On the Move

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Emily's POV

It only took a month and a half, but Sue and I finally found a place for us to move into together. It's a nice apartment in Cambridge, and far enough away to hopefully escape Mary's stalker-esque behavior. Of course, we are still very close to Boston since we both work in the city, but we found an apartment tucked away in the Riverside neighborhood of Cambridge—it's a two-bedroom apartment in a pretty luxurious apartment building.

It's very modern—far newer than both of our old apartments. There's a gym, garage, a lounge area, and outdoor area set up for tenants. It was honestly perfect for the two of us. We scored a unit on the fifth floor out of the fourteen that were in the building, so no complaints there as far as getting up and down goes.

Our hope is that Mary doesn't find us—that's the ultimate goal of this move. She has continuously been showing up pretty much anywhere we end up when it comes to our usual spots, and now it's just getting to the point it's actually scary. Vinnie and Jane suggested maybe somehow, she got a tracker installed on my phone, so I'm currently waiting for my new phone and sim card to arrive in the mail so I can have a number she doesn't know and a new phone that hopefully can't be tracked.

Lucky for us, she hasn't been showing up to this one bar called Paddy's that we've been meeting up with friends at in Cambridge, so that seems like a good sign that we're slowly figuring out ways to dodge her, but it is still incredibly annoying, nonetheless.

Sue and I had finally finished unpacking all our moving boxes and set everything up. The only thing we were waiting for is our new couch but other than that, everything is perfect. I'm so happy to be with Sue and taking a step in this direction, living together. I know we haven't really been officially together long, but it feels right. I know Sue like the back of my hand as she does me, too.

I decided to take the day off to finish organizing the apartment while Sue went to work. I checked the clock on the wall and it was already three o'clock and Sue will be back soon. I look forward to it, of course. Even being away from one another while we were both at work felt like pure agony—it's even worse when I'm home alone and Sue absolutely had to go to work because her students were doing some state testing this week, so it was impossible for her to get the day off.

I grabbed a framed poster that Sue brought from her place that was leaning up against the wall. I began positioning it behind our TV in the living room, centering it so it looked perfect. As I finished hanging the poster, I heard the door to our apartment open. Turning around, I saw Sue walk through the door with her work bag and a stack of papers in her arm. She kicked the door closed with her foot and I smiled at her as she put the papers down on the side table next to the door and her bag on the floor in front of it.

She looked up at me and smiled as she approached me, placing a kiss on my lips, "Hey baby."

I continued to smile as she pulled back, "Mm, more please."

She chuckled and leaned in again for another kiss, this time her lips lingering longer than before. We pulled away once again and I grabbed her hand in mine, "How was work?"

She sighed a long sigh and walked into the middle of the living room. Because our couch still hadn't arrived, Sue laid on the carpeted floor flat on her back and sighed again before speaking.

"It was a long day." She said, moving her hands up to her face as she began to rub her eyes.

I chuckled and walked over to her, kneeling down before positioning myself on my side. I propped myself with my elbow and let my head rest in my hand as I looked at her.

"Tell me about it." I said softly, brushing my fingers atop her stomach.

She looked at me and smiled, sighing once again as she reflected on her day. "Testing lasted hours. It went from 8 in the morning until 1. I didn't get to step out for my lunch break and could only leave to use the restroom but had to wait for another staff member to show up before I could even leave the classroom. It was just honestly a long, miserable day. I hate testing week. And on top of that, being a new and young high school teacher, the boys have been incredibly disrespectful and being, well, vulgar."

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