New Housemate

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Luke left two days ago and I was alone. The apartment felt bigger and empty. I had already missed the guy . I dragged my feet lazily to the couch and flopped on my stomach. I let out a growl. I was bored and didn't know what to do with myself.

I reached over the coffee table and picked the remote flipped over movies on Netflix until I decided to put one on. Not because I wanted to watch it but because the silence of the apartment getting to me.

The main door swung open startling me making me sit up. I watched a guy walk in caring two big brown boxes and putting them in the middle of the living room. I blinked in confusion.
The guy stood up right and looked at me and smiled. His hair was short and dark. His skin was naturally paled and his T-shirt hugged his perfect body muscles hanging for dear life not to tear each time he moves. His eyes were brown and delicate with thick dark lashes like his hair. He had perfect set of teeth that would make girls easily weak in the knees. He was tall about, six feet. He was authoritative and intimating but their was a calm playfully demeanour about him.

"Hey little Guy ," He said with deep and husky voice.


"Who are you? " I asked standing up then I noticed how tall he is . I was literally looking up at him.

"I'm Mew your new roommate. Luke gave me the keys yesterday. He said and walks out getting more boxes.

So everyone does what they want without asking.

He continued to move things in until the living room is almost full with boxes. I just sat their and watch him. When done he walked around the apartment acquainting himself with the place. The boxes were eventually moved to the empty bedroom and he locked himself in their for rest of the day.

I woke up to loud music and laughing. I looked at my alarm clock and it was 3am on a fucking Monday. I got up and the moment I opened the door the music got louder . I made my way to the living room to find Mew and three other guys talking loudly and drinking. I walked over and turned the music off. Everyone turned their attention to me. Mew stood up to approach me .

"Hey little Guy, what's up? " He said confused.

"Don't little Guy me , why the fuck are you guys this loud on a fucking Monday don't you have classes? " I asked angrily.

"We actually don't and you are ruining our fun."I could hear the annoyance in n his tone. I almost laughed.

" I'm ruining your fun , I'M RUINING YOUR FUN!!!" I nearly screamed.

"Yeah you are, now why don't you go back to sleep." He said and turned the music back on and went back to sit with his friends. I narrowed my eyes at him and turned the music off again crossing my arms . He frowned, his friends looking back and forth between us. They look like they are enjoying the show.

I unplugged everything and smirked at him. He looked at me with an unamused way. I chuckled and went to my room feeling satisfied. I locked the room and went back to bed falling asleep after tossing and turning for a minute but the music never turned back on. I figured it would take a minute to plug everything back. Smile settled on my face at my Victory.

My alarm went off, though it felt like a screaming voice in my ears , I lazily turned it off. I dragged my feet to the door. I unlocked it.


I was wet, cold to the born. My body was shaking involuntarily. My hair stuck to my face and my breath hitched several times as I tried to gain my composure. My body and brain were awake and my hands and feet started feeling numb. A bucket rolled down the hall with a puddle of water and ice at my feet. I was dripping wet.

"MEWWWWW" I screamed. My voice echoing in the building I'm sure I woke up the neighbours but I didn't give a fuck.

I heard laughter in the living room I stomped over their my socks almost making me fall to my ass and they all looked at me. Mew had his smirk look on his face that I wanted to wipe away with my fist.

"I didn't know you were trying to get the ice bucket challenge back." He mocked me , his friends were laughing. I glared at them but they didn't give up.

"You make me wish I had more middle fingers," I flipped him off before heading to the bathroom leaving them still laughing.

Bunch of dicks!!!!!


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