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I woke up to the feeling of the side my face stuck to his skin. I looked u and found myself practically sleeping on top of Mew. His hand was around my waist holding me in place. I tried to get out of his hold but he only tightened his grip. I tried a couple more times but my efforts were futile. I gave up and decided to just lay there.

I listened to his heart beat slowly making me feel calm. I watched the sky through the window and thought about last night. I can't believe any of it happened. The incident hurt less now but it still hurt none the less . I looked up at Mew . His hair was messy his features were calm and he looked so peaceful while sleeping. I smiled at him. He was there for me last night and I'm so grateful for that.

" Good Morning Princess , how are you feeling??" Mew asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

I'm actually okay. Thanks Mew!! I smiled at him and rest my head on his chest . He runs his fingers through my hair.

I'm glad to hear that but you don't have to thank me . He smiled at me. Now let's go and get our breakfast and ll go to class.


Class was boring and some part of me wished to spend the day with Mew but we both had one class in the morning on Saturday. We had gotten ready and went to have coffee and muffins in the cafe he worked at, then eventually went our separate ways to class.

I stared at the lecturer blankly waiting for the hour to finally end. My thoughts drifted off to Mew and how he was there for me yesterday. I hoped to not see Jenna. I wasn't ready for that. Mew was so sweet last night letting me cry my eyes out and him comforting me without making fun of me. I remembered his sweet husky smell and soft skin and my heart started to race. How his face looked when he was sleeping, how he held me.

Shit I was already missing him!!

I shook those thoughts out of my head and tried to focus. Tried. It was no fucking use I ended up just thinking of him again and again.

By the time class was over i had learnt nothing. I walked out the halls subconsciously looking for Mew. I found Him with his usual group of friends. I smiled and started to make my way over to him. Some girl came out of their class and clung to his arm. I stopped on my tracks. I watched them talk.

She kept laughing and unnecessarily touching him. He kept his stupid smile on his face. Everytime they laughed i hated it. I was furious. My heart kept beating almost out of my chest. I clenched my fist to calm Myself down but it was of no use. My body moved on its own pushing through the students that walked in the hallway. They cursed at me but i couldn't give a damn. My eyes were fixed on the brunette infront of me.

I got there and grabbed his free arm. I made sure to glare at the bitch who looked at me confused. I pulled him out to an empty class. I shoved him inside and closed the door behind me. He looked at me confusion present in his features.

"Who was that? " I yelled.

Who?? He frowned still confused.

"That bitch that was holding on to you for dear fucking life. " I almost yelled.

"Ohhh !!! You mean my cousin??"


"Princess, who do you think it was??" He had an amused look on his face.

Nothing!! I mumbled looking down, my face is red in embarrassment. He walked closer to me and asked in his amused voice.

"Are you jealous?!

"No" I snapped.

He lifted my head with his index finger making me look at him. His dark eyes consuming me with a smirk on his face that i really wanted to wipe off, if i hadn't embarrassed myself.

"Princess" he whispered, why would you be jealous, do you like me??

I swallowed thickly. Did I ? What was i doing just because he was nice to me that didn't mean i owned him. Why was i even doing any of this. Was it getting hot in here?

"Mew !!" I - I don't.....

I went quite. He took a step back and searched my face , he looked pained. He looked around. Then he turned and walked out. There I was in the most confused state of mind. I fished my phone from my pockets and called Luke . After three rings he picked up.

"I- I like Mew. " I blurred out. Or not  i don't know. I just got really mad when i saw him with a girl and i dragged him to an empty class,  then he asked me if i liked him ,,like that but i couldn't answer. I mean, ever since i started to notice things about him i found him attractive and shit then last night when he held me my heart was doing that weird thing and this morning when i woke up next to him . Shit, i think i really, i actually like him . I - I have to tell him. He thinks i don't. Fuck !!!". I rambled.

"What,??" Luke was apparently very confused.

I have to go!!

I hung up before he could say anything. I rushed out the class and ran through the halls. I wanted to find him, i needed to find him. I looked in the classes, in the library but i couldn't find him even in the bathrooms. I spotted his friends but he was not there. I took out my phone and called him.


He didn't call me Princess!!

"I need to talk to you where are you?? I asked frantically.

I can't talk, I'm working. He said, his voice holding no emotions.

"When are you coming back?" I almost whined.

"I'll come home around four. We can talk then. I have to go."

He hung up before i could say anything. He sounded sooo.... Cold. I sighed and decided to just go home. I suddenly was not in the mood for anything.

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