Planning a Date

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Jenna !! She's the most beautiful girl in this earth. At least i think so. She is not too tall , her hair is almost always in wavy curls, she is always nice to everyone including me. I've known her since i enrolled here.

We met when i was working at a small cafe during the holidays and we became friends, when she learnt we go to the same school. So every once in a while we'd meet at the library and do some work together. Like today.

I walk into the library and spot her sitting by herself, i was nervous as shit. Her hair is up in a ponytail and her nose is tuck in the book she is reading, she didn't notice me sitting beside her. When she did she gives me a smile before going back to what ever she was doing. I bit my lower lip. My palms were sweating and I felt incredibly nervous.

This is it!!!

I cleared my throat trying to get her attention and she looked up at me. I swallowed thickly gathering all the courage i had which is not that much to begin with.

So Jenna i was wondering what you were doing this Friday?? I asked looking into her big beautiful green eyes .

I don't know yet , why ? She smiled.

I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me?. I bit the inside of my cheek. She looked at her book for a while before looking at me. My heart was pounding.

Shit!! She's gonna say Nooo.

"Sure "she shrugged.

My eyes widened and i give her a grin . I got up. I want to scream but time and place.

Okay, I'll pick you up at seven. I crocked out.

"Sounds cool" she smiled.

I said my goodbye and walked in a hurry out of the library. Once the door closed.i jumped pumping my fist in the air and do a little dance. Now everyone was staring at me but do i care , fuck noooo. The girl of my dreams just agreed to go on a date with me.

But my celebration was cut short when i saw Mew walking towards me. My face turned red out of embarrassment.

Fuck me, i can't believe he saw that.

So much for not caring.

Hey Princess, mind sharing the happiness. He said swinging his arms over my shoulder pulling me to God knows where!!!. I roll my eyes. There's that scent again. Ever since we talked it's like a switch had been fipped and were like long time best friends. It's still foreign to me but i didn't mind it.

Not that it's any of your business but i just got myself a date this Friday. I said beaming at the thought. Mew's face turns to slight frown but disappears as fast as it appeared.

"With who??", I didn't miss the slight annoyance in his tone. The fuck ??

"Jenna," i looked around." Where are you taking me ??"

"No , you're taking me to the next class. " We stopped and he put his hands in his Jean pocket. He pulled out his phone and typed something then my phone buzzed. "I sent you a grocery list. I'm making dinner tonight" By telling this he kissed my cheek. " See you Tonight Princess." With that he disappeared behind the class door.


"Aw, you guys are like an old married couple." Luke cooed walking up to me hand in hand with Lisa . I wanna die.

"Shut up Luke!!, Mew's just weird like that" i looked down hiding my Blush.

Sure, whatever you say Gulfieeeee, but I'm sure there is more to it than that. He said.

Is there?? I mean i haven't seen him do that to anyone else. No stop, this Mew we're talking about.

"Whatever, i have to go " I mumbled.

I push those thoughts out of my mind there's no way Mew likes me. Not too long ago we hated eachothers guts . There's no way right? Shit, now looking at Luke's face, making me think. That idiot is planting ideas in my head.


I turned on my heels and made my way out of the school to the parking lot and went to get shopping done.

Date Night

She looked amazing. Her make up was minimal her lashes were thick and her lipstick was a bold red. The dress she wore flowed freely. Her heels echoed in the night. She flashed me a smile when i opened the car door for her. She smelled like flowers.

We got to the restaurant and everything was perfect. She was laughing at my not so clever jokes the food was amazing and the moon was great. I was sure going to get a kiss at the end of the night. That was untill....

"This place is so awesome, i should tell my boyfriend to come here for one of our dates." she said nonchalantly.

I froze; blinking make sure i heard that right. I could literally hear my heart break into million pieces. I was cold all over and my heart was in my mouth. My mouth was a gape but no words passed my throat. I swallowed thickly and bit my lips. I was trying so hard not to breakdown infront of her. Blinking rapidly not allowing tears to form in my eyes.

Damn in soo stupid.

Are you okay?? You look pale. She said placing her hand on me. I removed my hand from her hold and shook my head. She frowned but confused.

Wait, let me get this straight. I shifted in my seat taking a sip of my water as my mouth feeling try. " You have a b-boyfriend," i almost choked on the word, but you came out on a date w-with me?"

"A Date?? What do you mean?? She didn't answer. Right??

Why would I go on a date with another guy when i have a boyfriend? I thought this was like a dinner with a friend. "Wait!! Do you like me Gulf?" Her eyes widened at the realisation.
No shit!!

"Why would I ask you out on a date if i didn't?" I raised my brow.

"You're not Gay ? She asked quietly but i didn't miss it. But i really really really wish i did.

I blinked one twice thrice then ran my palm over my face. I pulled out my wallet and paid the Bill. I was really contemplating whether or not to just leave her here, but my concious wouldn't let me and Luke would kill me if he ever found out.

"Let's go". I mumbled.

She walked quietly behind me. I got in the car she followed , i took off the suit. It was silent. I couldn't wrap my head around any of the things happened. One minute everything was perfect now she genuinely thought i was a Gay.

Wowww . My feelings hurt.

Gulf, I'm sorry. She said facing me.

I couldn't look at her . So i focused on the road and stayed quiet clenching my jaw . I dropped her, to her apartment and the second the door closed i sped home.

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