Plotting Revenge

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I took off my wet clothes that clung to my body and wrapped a towel around my waist. I threw them in the washer and jumped in the shower the hot water is relaxing my body.

My thoughts drifted to the incident that occurred not too long ago. I clenched my jaw plotting my revenge.

It's sooo fuooon.

By the time I was in college i frantically looked for Luke. When i eventually found him i flung myself on him not caring the surrounding people. He stumbled a bit before he gained his composure and looked down at me smiling.

"Hey Gulfieeeee," he beamed

"I missed you and my roommate is a jackass." I said my voice muffled because my face was buried in his chest.

"He's not that bad"

I looked up at him and let him go. I frowned.

"Not that bad, he was listening to music loudly at 3am and he poured a bucket of ice water on me in the morning." I spat angrily. I was only met with a 'ohh'

"I ll talk to him okay." I nodded. "Now let's get you to the class I ll have lunch with you later." He smiled down at me and I gave him a small smile back.


I walked in the apartment, it is filled with unfamiliar smell of food. That kitchen hadn't been used since we moved in here. I sceptically made my way through the apartment to the kitchen. I was met with the sight of Mew slaying away in the kitchen. He looked at me and smiled. I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously.bwhat was this guy planning??.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking around the mess he made . Used dishes in the sink ,waste on the kitchen counter. There was clatter everywhere, i cringed.

"I'm making dinner." He said matter of fact

He got done and cleared everything up. Thankfully and placed a plate in the table . Then he told me to sit . I looked at him then the food . Reluctantly sat but didn't touch it. He sat accross to me and snorted at my behaviour but I still didn't bulge. I don't trust him one bit.

Is this poisoned?? I asked narrowing my eyes at him making him laugh.

And why would I do that ?? He chuckled.

I don't know, you are crazy. I shrugged.

Well, that maybe correct, but I'm not gonna poison you . I sighed in relief picked up the spoon and shoved the food in my mouth. Until he added. "Not today anyway." I coughed. He laughed so hard he started crying.

" Fuck I'm joking." He said between laughs wiping tears .

Asshole. I shoved him playfully and continued eating.

"How was your day princess?" Mew asked after calming down.

" It was fine just some assignments nothing i can't handle." I answered my heart flattered at the stupid pet name . The fuck ..
OMG!! I'm shy ..but am not gonna show him .
But little did he know . He is blushing.

He hummed then proceeded to eat in silence.


"Mew could you come here a sec i need your help with something." I called from the bathroom after i finish getting ready for bed.

He came in the bathroom and stood by the door looking around. I smiled at him but he didn't budge.

"Come in " i encouraged.
He took a step inside, clearly suspecting something was up.

"Come closer".

He took another step. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not gonna bite." I smiled.

He chuckled and closed the distance between us. I grinned and placed my hand on his shoulders. He tensed up a bit before relaxing. What was that about.

" What did you need help with?? He asked.

I smiled and moved so he was leaning his back on the sink. I leaned in and grabbed the baby powder off the counter behind his back making sure he doesn't see it. I ran my hand through his hair to distract him and he fell for it, he leaned into my touch and i knew i had him where i wanted. I stood on my tippy toes and brushed my nose with his and he hummed in delight sending shivers down my spine.
I shook the feeling off i had to focus. We looked into each other eyes and i bit my lip trying to hide my smile. I raised the powder up and squeezed a generous amount on his head . He gasped when he felt it. I quickly took a step back and squeezed it on his face over and over again until he was covered in it . His black t-shirt and hair all turned to white. He coughed trying to shake some off his face . I gasped and started laughing.

He glared at me with fire in his eyes, and his nose flaring. I threw the bottle in the sink and ran out of the bathroom laughing all the way into the bedroom and locked it. He banged on my door.


I just laughed.


"Very". I said between laughs.


With that i heard the door slam then water running. I laughed. I can't believe he actually fell for that.

After i stopped laughing i thought about how close we were. Why didn't he push me off?? And why did I feel like kissing him when our nose brushed?? And his smell... I shook my head and filed the thoughts under not important and it doesn't mean anything.

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