Be Mine

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I rolled over and slowly opened my eyes lazily. I looked around and realised i was in my room. I don't remember coming to sleep but i shrugged it off. I went to the bathroom did my business and went to the kitchen to make some thing. I had coffee and toast then decided to get dressed when i walked down the hall i noticed that Mew's room was slightly opened. I peeked inside and found him sleeping. I quietly made my way over to his bed and slowly sat beside him.

I studied his face. His lips were full and peachy slightly parted. He was slightly snoring which made me chuckle. He lips looked soo soft. I lifted my hand and touched them with my index finger. He closed his mouth by licking his lips but continued sleeping and they parted again. I touched them again this time more softly. They were soft as i thought. I wondered how it would feel against mine. I touched my lips still staring at him. I felt as if something was pulling me. I leaned in . I know i shouldn't do it buti really really wanted to.

I placed a light kiss on his lips. He didn't move. I placed another one and watched him. His eyes flattered open.

"Gulf , what are you doing? He asked rubbing his eyes voice deeper than usual.

He looked at me lifting one eyebrow when i didn't answer. I looked in his eyes. I never noticed how beautiful they were until now. I looked at his light  stubble on his face. I cupped his face , his stubble pricking my soft hand . I traced lower lip with my thumb watching it.

"Gulfiee" he whispered.

"Kiss Me " I whispered back.

"What?" He sat up and ran his hand through his messy hair. "What are-"

"Mew, i don't care where you were last night," i cut him off, but i want to make this very clear. Yesterday i didn't say i liked you because i didn't even know myself. I was confused and i hadn't figured out my feelings for you yet, but now i did and i like you. I like you Mew , i like you sooo fucking much and if there's a chance you still like me after yesterday, kiss me . Fucking kiss me right now."

He stared at me. He looked like he was thinking. He got quite for a while. Maybe he doesn't like me after all. I started getting up but he grabbed my arm and pulled me on his bed. He hovered over me. His eyes pulling me in, his smell drowning me . He got closer. When he finally kissed me i was in heaven. His lips were soft his hands where all over my body warm sending shivers down to my spine. I moaned in the kiss. I opened my mouth and let him explore my mouth. My mind was blank and all i could see were stars . He left my lips and trailed kisses down my jaw to my neck. He exploded my neck untill he found my sweet spot and kissed, sucked and licked it. I'm Sure, he left a Mark. He proceeded to leave wet kissess on my neck that cooled of my hot skin. Now he came back to my lips and this time the kiss was deeper hungry and passionate.

By the time we broke the kiss we were both gasping for air, skin flushed. He still stayed on top of me his dark eyes watching me.

"Princess, i don't remember a time i ever didn't like you!!" He whispered.

"W-what ? " I stuttered my voice low and soft.

"Be Mine."

That's all it took to have me nodding like a maniac.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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