Breaking Down

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My hands were shaking as i fumbled through my keys finding the right one and finally opening the door. I went straight to the kitchen into the fridge and took out a big tub of chocolate ice-cream and a spoon. I kicked off my shoes and put the ice-cream between my chest and knees. I opened it and threw the lid on the coffee table ignoring the confused look of Mew's face who was sitting at the couch watching TV when i entered the house. His eyes were fixed on me the moment i slammed the front door shut . Took a big scoop and shoved it into my mouth. As if on que i broke down.

Why did this have to happen to me? All the time i like some one they never like me back or they're unavailable. I'm i just meant to be alone for the rest of my life. I've never been in a relationship and my dead ass thought this was it. This was going to be the relationship I've waiting to have all these years. Look at me , I'm a twenty two year old Virgin in this day and fucking age . Is it because I'm small or I'm ugly, like i know I'm not like a super model status but I'm i really repulsively ugly?

Hey , hey princess what happened??
Mew broke me out of my trance. He had a worried look on his face.

I'm ugly. I cried out breaking Down again.

What are you talking about you're the cutest thing I've ever seen. He said scooting closer rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"I don't want to be cute , i want to be handsome like you or Luke. "I whined.

"You think I'm handsome??"

"This is not about you asshole". I rolled my teary eyes.

"You're right.. sorry!!!" Mew said

He took the ice-cream from me and put it on the coffee table . He carried me and placed on his lap. I buried my face in his neck inhaling him. He smelled earthy and sweet. His body heat and smell oddly made me calm down a bit. He wrapped his veiny arms around hugging me. He kissed my head and that made me calm down completely.

So you're gonna tell me what happened. He said in deep voice. The vibration of his body when he spoke gave me goosebumps.

She thinks I'm Gay and she has a boyfriend. I mumbled loud enough for him to hear .i sniffled. He hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry Princess. I'm sure there is someone who really really likes you out there. "

"Yeah , well they better hurry up I'm tired of being alone."

" You are not alone. I'm here. " He said huskily kissing my head and the feeling send me goosebumps all over my body.

What was this guy doing to me??

Thanks, i really thought you were an asshole first. I said looking up at him. He chuckled wiping my tears off my cheeks.

"There's more than meets the eye princess." He smiled.

"Why do you call me that ?" I put my head back on his shoulder feeling more comfortable.

"Isn't it obvious." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"No, it's not and you're weird. I rolled my eyes, he chuckled.

"Come on let's get you to bed". He turned off the TV . and carried me bridal style.

You know, i can walk right? I say but i hold on to him despite my protest.

I know. He said smiling down at me.

He gently placed me on the bed. When he let go i instantly missed the heat of his body . I tugged his shirt as he turned to leave.

Stay !! I gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes i could. He chuckled.

"Okay, get changed. I'll put the things away and join you" . I nodded and he ran his hand through my hair and smiled before leaving.

I changed out of my clothes and put on an oversized tshirt and boxers . I laid in bed waiting for him. He creeped in wearing grey sweats. He crawled next to me my back facing him. I turned and looked at him . He was already looking at me with unreadable expression.

Are you okay?. He asked voice laced with sleep.

I nodded. I really was, the feeling of being unwanted and despair was long gone since he comforted me.

Can you hold me ? I said voice above a whisper.

He gave me a small smile and pulled me close to his chest. I buried my face in his chest and let his scent drown me and make me feel like i was floating. His body heat made me feel relaxed and calm . I was well on my way to sleep. He kissed on my head and whispered "Good Night Princess" then i was asleep.

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