To Friends

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Next morning

How was your late night shower love ? I asked as i strolled in the living room feeling all kinds of smug. Mew was lazily lounging on the couch watching TV shirtless. His pale skin looking all kinds of soft . I wonder how it would feel like if I ran my tongue...

Noo!! Nope not gonna fucking happen snap out of it. Damn it. What!! What's happening to me? I tore my eyes off him unwillingly and walked to kitchen and poured some coffee in two cups. Maybe I'm just sleep deprived.

"You know what !! You are an idiot." He huffed angrily when i walked to the living room handing him a cup. I didn't even notice i had done that till i placed the damn cup on the coffee table. Seriously what's wrong with me??..

I know, how else are you supposed to understand me , i smiled cockily.

Your mother should have swallowed you. He slipped his coffee.

Well atleast my birth certificate is not an apology letter from the condom factory. I rolled my eyes. He got up towering over me . Why is he soo tall? And why is he soo hott!! His scent made me suffocating my knees felt week. I stood my ground though , sipping my coffee trying to hide my red cheeks

"Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that comes out of your mouth." He glared at me.

"Hold on," i pretended to think, "I'm still deciding whether i don't give a shit or i don't
Give a fuck." I sassed back.


I finally looked up at him. Our gaze locked and he held my gaze. His eyes darked. My heart was trying to break free from my chest. It was suddenly hot and the atmosphere got tense. My eyes travelled to his peach lips and i bit my lip subconsciously. I swallowed thickly. I started feeling a tightness around my pants. A ping on my phone seemed to bring us out of our trance.

I pushed him and sat on the couch turning the TV on . He stormed out and slammed his bedroom door.

What the hell was that ????

This would have been a perfect quiet day at home if it wasn't for Mew's existence in my life. Why the hell does he feel the need to move around the house soo much. Slamming the doors and shit. After insulting eachother and that heated staring contest, he has been sulking like a fucking four year old. I can't roll my eyes enough. I kinda feel bad but at the same time he started it. How the fuck I'm supposed to live with a guy who makes me wish he'd jump off a cliff and want to climb him like a tree at the same time.

Shit !!! Did I just say that???

There was a knock on the door that brought me back from my thoughts. I got up and slowly made my way to the door. Opening it. My face light up when i sae Luke standing their with take out in his hands. I jumped on him and he caught me; hugging me tightly. Mew cleared his throat giving me a pissed off look. I let go of like. What the hell was his problem, i just rolled my eyes at him and pulled Luke inside and placing him on the couch and sitting beside him.

Hey Mew !!! Luke greeted .

Hey Man !! Mew said walking to the kitchen. I thought he locked himself in the bedroom.

Could you come here for a bit , i think the three of us need to talk. Luke said.

Mew lazily walk towards us and sat on the couch. Luke was in the middle of us. I knew what Luke was doing and was i willing to co operate. Maybe. Just anything to get this jackass off my back. He was annoying the shit out of me in the one place i needed to chill.

Okay , you guys need to get along. I mean you guys are gonna be living together for a while so all this hostility isn't doing  any good for both of you. Luke said looking back and forth between us. "I mean i expect better from you Mew, you're really disappointing me right now. " I chuckled . "And you Gulf . I thought you'd act at least civility. I taught you better.

I looked down at my hands that were resting on my thighs. I felt as if i was getting lecture from my parents or something. I hated it . And i hated that he has a point, maybe i did push the guy buttons.

"I'm sorry Gulf, i should have been more considerate and not played music that early in the morning, or poured a bucket of ice water on you." Mew said looking all guilty. For a minute i thought he was only saying this because Luke was here but his voice was laced with guilty and eyes looked pleading. But hey, if he was willing to be a bigger man and apologize, i didn't think it was fair to keep this stupid cat fights .

" I'm sorry for the baby powder and disconnecting the system. And insults. " I said truthfully.

"I've got to admit those were really good mostly the one about condom factory." Mew laughed , "that was genius by far my favorite."

I know right i saw it on Pinterest the other day. I told Mew chuckling.

I wanna ask why you were looking at insults but at the same time I'm not sure i wanna know. Mew said teasingly.

Hey !! I said looking away. I was bored. I mumbled , Mew broke out in laughter.

Well, my job here is done. Luke said getting up to leave. I almost forgot he was here. I that bad ?

Don't go, stay a bit . I said following him to the door.

Can't, i have to pick up Lisa . Luke said shrugging.

I shrugged and hugged him goodbye. He walked out and i closed the door behind him sighing. I turned around to find Mew watching me . I smiled nervously and sat next to him.

This was weird. I'm so used to fighting with him the past few days not i don't know how to act around him.

I ll get lunch started. Mew said getting up and going to the kitchen.

Can I help? I asked following him sheepishly. Don't ask why ? I don't know either.

That depends; can you cook? He crooked his brow.

"Well does making instant noodles count ". I shrugged.

No, but you can wash the vegetables and be my assistant. He smirked.

Yes , Chef !!! I said making Mew chuckle and shake his head, i liked the sound.


By the time we finished cooking i hard learned so many things about mew. I couldn't guess if he didn't told me to. Like he doesn't have a family and his grandmother had taught him to cook when he was in highschool. She told him that she wanted him to be responsible and healthy. She was his only family and had died two years ago. Mew also right stories online in the free time, that is his hobby aside from cooking. He also has two jobs, he works in a cafe and does online marketing for Instagram business.

Overall he is really interesting and i think we could be good friends.

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