Is This.. Love? Chapter 4:

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"Let's go, Sakura." Sakura turned around and saved what she wrote and gathered her things and stood up.

"Ok!" They walked to the bus stop together and sat down.

"How was your first day of school?" Kaito asked as he stood up and held in the handle while Sakura sat down.

"It was.. Uh.. Ok I guess." She said with her bag in her lap.

Lets hope no one from our school sees us or it'll cause drama... A ton of drama.

He smiled and looked out the window. It was a bit awkward at first but later on as they walked home they talked a bit more.

"Tell me something about yourself." Sakura looked at him with confusement.

"Like what?"


Sakura thought of interesting things about herself.

"I like to write?"

"I can tell."

They both laughed. They talked a bit more until they reached Sakura's house.

"Thank you for walking me home."

"No problem. See ya."

Sakura waved good bye and went inside.
She took off her shoes and wore her slippers.

She's been living in her parents house ever since they died. She had part-time jobs on weekends and sometimes weekdays.

She jumped in her bed and sighed. She took out her phone and went on her website.

She smiled at the comments and went to take a shower.

Once she finished she slept.

The next day

Sakura wole up from her alarm clock and yawned. She rubbed her eyes and quickly got ready.

She made herself a bento box for lunch and breakfast.

She took her bag. Is it going to rain today? The sky was a bit gray and clouds were covering mostly the whole sky.

Sakura took her umbrella just in case and started to walk to school.

She took off her outdoor shoes and wore her indoor shoes. Once she opened the small cabinet letters fell to the ground.

"Huh?" Sakura bent down to pick them up. She read the first one and was surprised to see what it said.

"Get away from Kaito-Kun or else.."

She feld the letter and ignored the hate mail.

"Morning Sakura."

She quickly closed the cabinet and turned around to see Kaito.

"Ohayo Yamashita-San." She bowed.

They both walked to class to see the chalkboard filled with pictures of Sakura and Kaito walking home together.

Also some... Rude comments.

Sakura stared at the pictures and read the comments. She tried not to show any emotion but deep inside she was crying.

She walked to her desk to see hate comments carved and written in her desk.

Kaito stared at Sakura, worried. He took all the pictures and erased all the comments. "Tell me who did this."

He said calmly. Later on he increased his volume.


He threw everything away and walked over to Sakura.

"If anyone else bullies Sakura.." he glared at everyone and sat down. He didn't bother to finish his sentence.

There were whispers in the background.

"Kaito-sama is mad. What do we do?"

"But Kaito-kun.."

Kaito ignored everything and put his head down.

"Arigatou.." Sakura said silently.

Well.. That's the end! Hope you guys enjoyed. I played with the story a bit. So cliche -~-
Eh oh well. Rememeber to vote, comment and follow if you haven't already!
-Joykachu <3

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